Leapin' LIZARDS!

We didn’t lose this election because of Trump voters. We lost this election because of liberals who spent an unbelievable amount of time and energy convincing other liberals not to vote or to vote 3rd party. But you can’t blame them. Sure, we have a spiteful toddler running the country and untold numbers of people are

I read the thread, and I agree with a lot of things said by you here, and also everyone last night. I am really only posting here because I found it frustrating, there and AGAIN HERE RIGHT NOW, that there are STILL men posting comments like “I hope it’s not me!” and “maybe I’m a jerk sometimes but I try not to are you

Thinking about changing my name to PermaGrayCosI’mAWoman.

I agree with you wholeheartedly. I generally don’t care to spend time with men. ( Besides the normal unavoidable life stuff) My doctors are women, as are all of my friends. I choose to be part of this community for that reason. I’m also troubled by the constant male voices. As a permagray, It’s interesting that so

God, that man. I miss so much having a leader who clearly admired and respected the women in his life. From the way he treats Michelle, to his daughters, to his mother, even the thanking the women in the audience for letting him interrupt. What a man. How lucky we were.

what? he’s done nothing but agree with you.

You got a common rodent. You must be so proud.

That is... underwhelming.

Ya I was kind of ambiguous there. He’d failed to comply with the order several times, both before and after he murdered the other student. It’s not super clear how the police were investigating, or how they reacted to each incident. I’m going way out on a limb in suggesting that the answer to that is not seriously or

He had been arrested several times for violating a protective order filed by his ex-girlfriend, with whom he had a 3 month long relationship, in the days leading up to the murder.

Longtime Jez fan, first time poster. I created this account just now because Jackie was a casual friend of mine and I’m the one who sent the story into Jezebel. Just wanted to say thank you so much for using my tip and posting her story. Jackie was a funny, charming, kind young woman and we are trying to get her story

Just a little freaky what many of us leave behind us as our legacy from online. She should have been a grandmother one day. Now this is it forever.

I believe it’s Laura Richards who says “stalking is murder in slow motion.” We have to start treating stalking, dv, and sexual violence as huge red flags for murderers :(

The man suspected of her murder, 30-year-old Charles Bryant, was also being investigated for stalking and harassing an ex-girlfriend at the time.

Obviously it goes without saying, but the “never knew I could feel like this” by (presumably) the killer is particularly icky.

I may be thinking overly optimistically, but I hope it encourages people to make anonymous reports to CPS/DCFS when they see signs of child and domestic abuse. Even if it feels like it goes nowhere to the person who reported it... it starts a paper trail that will (hopefully) help the survivor.

Eh, I’m of two minds with this. I agree it shouldn’t be trivialized or sensationalized, but if approached correctly it could be good. I grew up with physical and sexual abuse and I think if I hadn’t believed I was the only one going through something similar (or that it was a bad reflection on me and my family - like

Tip Three: Have your mom’s employee write it for you, then congratulate your twitheaded self when the admissions officer declares it “the best personal essay I’ve ever read.”

Sidepiece is both self-explanatory and gender neutral.

Lapras is rare? I think i got one in one of my first eggs?