I’d like the mainstream media to stop referring to the NRA as a “gun rights advocacy group” and start referring to it more accurately as a “gun manufacturer’s lobbyist organization”.
I’d like the mainstream media to stop referring to the NRA as a “gun rights advocacy group” and start referring to it more accurately as a “gun manufacturer’s lobbyist organization”.
I want these students to succeed in making this happen! Go fight hard all of you! Win this for the rest of America which desperately wants gun control but cannot get politicians to listen to our voices.
“So two Jews walk into a bar-”
I agree. Pence is a Republican through and through. They love him. That’s why I fear Drumph dying, getting impeached, thrown in jail, etc. Sure, we wouldnt have the emotional instability, that we have to deal with in Drumph, in Pence, but he is a lot scarier in a lot of ways.
A little rough around the edges:
I agree with you on one score: Trump is more dangerous for minorities. Inciting his base is making life physically dangerous for many including black/brown people, immigrants, and Muslims. However, Pence is more dangerous for America. Pence would give NO Fs about rewriting the Constitution. Birthright citizenship=…
Q: How surprised should we be that Trump has hired a Director of Communications who: 1. has no idea how “off-the-record” works; 2. thinks he can get a reporter to divulge sources by threatening to fire his own staff; 3. doesn’t understand that a document with the title of Public Disclosure can be disclosed to the…
It’s cool that you found a way to blame the West for the unbelievable depravity being visited upon the Rohingya. I’m sure the West is also somehow to blame for how China treats Uighurs, the treatment of Muslims in parts of India, etc. Next time I see, for example, a photo of the corpses of a Rohingya mother and her…
Of course there is. Republicans are a party of terrorism, nazi thugs, and hate. Fucking scum.
In their defense, I was a very punchable, almost 6 foot, very nerdy 10 year old, in the age of the “revenge of the Nerds” movies. You’d think I was just a very strange adult to look at me with my Pac-Man lunchbox and all.
Because there really is no god. The fact that David Bowie and Prince are dead but Ted Nugent and Toby Keith are alive is evidence of that.
Today, Gizmodo’s parent company, Gizmodo Media Group, filed a Freedom of Information Act complaint in a New York…
What I’d like to know is who the fuck invited her there in the first place, and why? Was it a troll invite, just to get her there so she could be booed back to the Stone Age? If so, I’m really impressed.
I like to drink!
Right? Jesus, I've never even not wiped front to back and I pee immediately after sex each and every time because UTIs are the worst.