
This not speaking ill of the dead is horseshit but I’ll try.

Mike Mills is active, funny and smart on Twitter.

On Fox News on Monday night, Michael Knowles, a conservative troll and Daily Wire podcast host, described Thunberg as a “mentally ill Swedish child” who is “being exploited by her parents and by the international left.” Then there’s John Nolte of Breitbart, who calls supporters of Thunberg “Gretards” and recently muse

“Other than that, how was the play, Mrs. Lincoln?”

Yea, thanks Obama for giving Trump the title of President of the United States.

Can we just fucking riot already? I don’t want guillotines, I want Elon Musk orbital velocity self sharpening guillotines with built in flame throwers.

I can answer the first question, because that’s one of mechanics and not policy.

Christine Lagarde is my new favorite person. 

You know, I’ve seen him do this and pics and just thought, what is wrong with his arms? There is delusion and there is soul deep Delusion. He is a small man, and anyone looking at him knows he’s a small man, who just holds his arms away from his body because he is a small, small man trying to seem bigger. A small man

I have no thoughts about Blue Ivy but I just want to connect with someone tonight, our little community, anyone. I feel alone and sad and uncertain.

They should call this the “Fuck the Backwoods Hillbillies in the Alabama Statehouse” fund

I don’t fucking care. And you know why? Because just yesterday McConnell stated with a snarky laugh that should a seat open up on the Supreme Court next year he will ignore what he said when Obama appointed Merrick Garland and jam someone through. The Right has been weaponizing the courts for years while we Dems and

I was talking to my boyfriend about this yesterday after being horrified into tears reading about Danye Jones’ lynching. They lynched that young man in his mother’s backyard for her activism in Ferguson and I just couldn’t stop thinking, “It’s going to get so much worse if this is where we are again already.”

Never forget that letting perfect be the enemy of the good is exactly how we ended up with Agent Orange in the White House.

I’m a total atheist, but please God. When will this long ordeal be over? I pray it’s soon!

I really hope Roseanne Barr, voice of poor people everywhere, makes sure her private jet is equipped with a giant loudspeaker.

Seeing that ‘pick me’ child out there with those loonies just turns my stomach. A drop squad needs to snatch her black ass outta there.

Hate Trump, didn’t vote for him, glad to see the parties disrupted

Trump DNA Results: 100% Fat Asshole

Imagine that, a bunch of man babies melting down. Fucking beta cucks.