
Ugh, total commenting fail. It's cool if you think this is no big deal and would have no qualms living in a serial killer's torture chamber: by all means, move in! Those of us who find this shit disturbing can find homes to live in where torture and murder weren't regularly committed. Everybody wins.

This will instantly date me, but when I was a kid, my mom's bible-thumping friend informed her that KISS stood for Knights in Satan's Service. Oh, she also only allowed her daughter to wear pastel (think pink) nail polish and absolutely no tube tops because you know, that meant you were looking for sex aka slutty.

I don't understand why fashion editors still have these just laying around. In my country the indigenous people also have sacred items and you would never ever want to see a didgeridoo on the front of a magazine even being touched by a woman.

She looks like she has to go potty.

"Gourmet Hot pocket"

He's lost her. He doesn't know it yet but he has. Game over dude.

The few wedding invitations that I've received have all spelled out the numbers for the date.

This is one of the most interesting "intentionally not getting the joke" comments I've ever seen. Does anyone not know that USD->GBP is 1.5-ish?

We highlight and use post-it notes, it is a very academic endeavor.

That was in Billings- Roughly 400 miles away. Completely different jurisdiction.

Hahaha! You totally got me there. *hands over feminist card*

Have you seen the thing on Buzzfeed about cats? I literally sobbed my way through lunch yesterday.

Remember seeing that for the first time. Not gonna lie. Got a little choked up when my Toon reached the location. Such a beautifully cool, but sad, thing.