
This will be the ONLY thing Prump and I have in common, other than we both breathe air. I have to hang onto a stair rail, too, but because I’m damn clumsy. I envy people who can run down them without hanging on.

I’m not always proud to be an Oregonian, but I am today. Prump wants to be petty? Start making the tea.

I LOL’ed for real right there. What a clown.

I have to leave for work in a bit. I’m actually glad my stereo was stolen out of my car last summer, I won’t be tempted to listen to the proceedings.

I’m sorry, but if I was their stylist, I would do everything in my power to keep this info from getting out.

Weight loss from not drinking, but depending how long you drank, your body may crave the sugar from alcohol. I ate sweets for a while, not realizing what was going on, then it tapered off.

Well done on the sobriety. I’m there with you.

I consider him more of a toddler who got his favorite toy taken away.

Pfft, no.

I’m okay with Trudeau. He’s my pick for World Leader.

Little guy better grow up and do something great. He has been blessed.

I use it all the time. I put a little of it in my palm, then a squirt of liquid facial cleanser. Mix it up, rub it on. Scrubby particles aren’t as concentrated, doesn’t do as much damage. Not that it does any damage, anyway.

Dear Angelina,

I’m afraid to look at my phone anymore when I get an alert from CNN.

Looked up Spencerian Script, and whoo-wee! I did calligraphy way back when, so I know what it takes. I admire anyone who can do Spencerian.

I’m totally there with you. I’ll be 59 next month. I tried OKC, and one person ghosted on me when I said I ONLY rented, don’t own. It almost seems guys want to know your credit score before making any kind of move.

Oh, yes. Heeellllll, yes. I don’t care one fucking bit about glass ceilings and all that crap. She is a total Trump parrot, reading a script typed out with his own stubby little fingers.

I’m so conflicted.

David Bowie died. That started it.

Mine is Safe Haven. It fits.