Why’s it so ugly?
Why’s it so ugly?
The small-block Chevy was designed that way, and it has been moderately successful in a few areas.
Man I miss the crown Vic
“replace it with.”
Last of the V8 Interceptors
I’m a Ticonderoga kinda gal myself.
A 15' long zip tie? I want one.
Imagine a normal office setting. Janice staples the new guy’s shirt sleeves to his arm. Jim then gives ceremonial papercuts to the new guy. Now imagine the office manager defends that kind of practice. Pretty fucked up, right?
Lighting someone on fire isn’t hazing. That’s attempted murder.
WTF!? How about just going to work and doing your goddamn job!? I’m all for chatting with co-workers and taking a few breaks during the day to blow off steam, but what the hell is wrong with this place that everyone has time for that much horseshit?
Something doesn’t add up here. This kid had time to go into the army, get trained as a mechanic, get out of the army due to injury, be depressed about it, then land a job with Audi.....all by the age of 18?
A/C needs a re-charge.
piles of money
Plastic plus air is better than air plus air.
Actually engine covers are now part of NVH control...
Well, if you are to cheap to rent a car. There is only one way out I can see.
Engineers are great at this. Although if they gave me the “first thing you think of” question it would be a long pause followed by “LS V8"
Now I wanna do a focus group. I love being the cynical, overly-honest asshole of the group for shits and giggles.