
Came here to say this. Leaving satisfied.

Word. I don’t need to provide some individual on the internet quality sources to have an opinion.

Or that it’s an Internet comment board, not a PHD thesis.  

Honestly, I’m just too lazy to bother myself with pulling reliable sources, haha. At least for a simple conversation on Jalopnik, anyway.

Actually, I also posted a completely avoidable road rage incident that endangered an innocent third party and if nothing else, caused a major headache to deal with getting vehicle repaired or replaced, insurance, etc.  

No basis to back it up? Google road rage and you’ll have all the basis you need. In college writing classes, they teach you don’t have to cite what should be considered commonly known information (such as stating “people speak German in Germany”). Logic , common sense and past occurances make it plainly obvious that

Well, vehicle crash data could certainly be a somewhat reliable indicator?

Finally something we can all agree on!

Well said.

People respond inappropriately all the time. People respond with violence inappropriately when their angry.

If you purposefully block them and contribute to a hazardous situation , when you could have just let them go down the road and mind your business,…that’s 100% their fault?

I said within the last week. Not in my lifetime. I was merely using a recent personal experience to refute your claim of people always staying their state has the worst because they don’t have experience in other states.

Also, are you speaking in support of blocking people from using the shoulder? Speaking of endangering, inciting road rage is a hazard and dangerous. Let’s say you block a lunatic who gets out and starts shooting(we’ve seen videos, I think here on Jalopnik of this)! Now you’ve endangered other innocent motorists whose

Too bad for me? How so? I successfully got her there without causing issue to myself or fellow motorists. And myself and others have already pointed out the high likelihood of hazards being ignored , anyway.

Getting her there safely entails not wrecking. I didn’t cause any wrecks for others or us. By comparison, people cause wrecks all the time sending a stupid text about stupid BS.

See what I said earlier. In an emergency, you don’t always think about crap like trying to prevent some self-righteous asshole from stopping your route.

I’ve done the rush my wife in labor to the hospital thing before ,…putting hazards on was the last thing on my mind. Getting her there safely is what was on my mind.

Don’t forget lost tourists with screaming kids in the backseat!

Atlanta becomes a wasteland? Did you see what happened in NC when they got a little snow/ice,…?