
I’ve often considered myself a purist and yet,…I can’t hate this idea at all,…I don’t know if I’d do ecotec specifically ,…why ecotec ? (1.0EB?lol,…Honda b or k series? Abarth to keep it in the family ?)

Or unless you have friends in the local government , haha.

Yeah, I definitely jumped to conclusions. My bad. I have since seen the other comments, and question the entire story about what’s what with whom.

Just the state? Or the county too? I would take 10 minutes to write a letter or two to send them out. Jalop should post info about where to send what (maybe a blanket/example letter for the lazy among us lol). We need to support our passion/hobby/lifestyle or crap like this could only get worse and keep happening.

EZ-UP style tent or some kind of tent with soft sides over each car?

How can we as Jalops fight back against this absolutely insane asshattery?

as far as I know,none of the modern chargers since they brought the name back have been offered stock, with a manual transmission. Ergo it’s some type of auto.

Mail ads don’t have a rating or review system. I’d be going online reading reviews and asking around town, ask any friends on social media if I know anybody in or around the area I’m looking into.

Yes, this! There’s a real estate agent guy around here that guarantees he’ll get you the most money possible from your house if you list from him.

Yeah, that blew my mind. Who the hell goes on a rescue mission without some sort of knife? Even if it’s cheap or it’ll get damaged, f the knife, get the lady out and buy a new one. I’ve always had some sort of quality pocket knife (Spyderco these days) clipped on my side as far back as I can remember,…

A lot boils down to personal responsibility, in my mind.

I always carry my Walmart yeti knockoff cup, usually water or flavored sparkling water. On a trip it’s that + caffeine drink of choice (sweet tea, coke, maybe coffee or energy drink).

Don’t use a metal hammer on rotors without hearing protection! It can get very loud ,…I’ve always used my ‘plastic’ dead blow hammer on rotors.

Yes! I remember seeing these as a kid, I don’t know what on though? Maybe my moms old Cavalier Z24? (With 90s tastic 2.8L 60° V6 and wheels nominated here as some of the worst ever made!)

Came here to say that. I fill my Ozark Trail 30oz with ice at home and my choice of drink, refill it all day at work as I drink it. Can still refill it at home after work and drink from it until it’s bedtime,…don't have to add ice at all unless I want to (some will melt obviously as I'm adding to it all day, but

Came here to say that. I fill my Ozark Trail 30oz with ice at home and my choice of drink, refill it all day at work

But I thought all Jalops hated Virginia ,…

I imagine they’ll have/they currently have some kind of clause or ownership length requirement to circumvent this type of activity. Just like cash for clunkers rules had a rule that you needed to own the clunker for at least 1 year to be eligible so people didn’t just go buy a POS on Craigslist and cash in.

There was recently a ‘debate’ about this on a family members FB status asking if you need to use the parking brake. I asked everybody replying what they drove and found the owner’s manuals online for all their vehicles, and referenced the owners manuals to my own vehicles and to the poster’s vehicles.

Thanks for the memory! Parents had one with the same wheels on it when I was a kid. Literally kept it until we couldn’t fit in the backseat anymore. I remember as a kid thinking it sounded cool and dad said the engine was aluminum and when it was just us guys in it(was moms car) he always ran it hard. I remember even

NP all day! Do want!