
Yeah, some how the Osteen thing is even grosser to me than him being buddy buddy with Trump. Cuz that means Kanye didn’t find Jesus, he found Je$u$. If you got any genuine belief inside then you should stay the hell away from the Prosperity Gospel scum.

Shelter Cat Update!

Shelter Cat Update! With Extra Bruce!

Shelter Catstravaganza!

I’m so happy we have SNS this week because I wanted to thank all the SNS contributors who helped encourage me to get married in a hurry. I guess it was four weeks ago that I posted saying that my boyfriend of 10 years and I were thinking of finally getting married while my father, who is declining rapidly from late

I had a master plan for today, but it did not go quite as planned. That’s OK. That’s what blogging is about. You

No amount of pictures is ever enough 

Shelter Catstravaganza!

Honestly, if you can’t get good performances out of actors without treating them like shit, then maybe you shouldn’t be directing.

I look forward to this tradition of “brilliant” men treating their collaborators like shit finally dying its overdue death. I don’t care if it supposedly brings out better performances, or if entertainment is meant to be a “tough industry. These are people helping you create something. Treat them with dignity or fuck

Shelter Cat Update!

Gracie and Blue ❤️. They are all beyond adorable . I’m going to see next week about volunteering at our local pet shelter. 

That last one was the wrong photo - here’s the right one:

Shelter Cat Update!

“Don’t put spoiled milk back in the fridge and expect it to be fresh again” - My Uncle’s advice re: getting back with an ex

This advice was given to me years ago after I sent off an email I really shouldn’t have, which was very insubordinate, to my direct supervisor. Rather than fire me, which would have been completely deserved, I was sat down by my superior and he explained that he understood how passionate I was about certain topics,

I was working as a cocktail waitress in a topless bar, and it was exactly as tedious, gross, and demoralizing as you would imagine it to be. One night, I went to close out a table of older men, and when they started talking in front of me about what to tip me. One of them turned to me and said “Honey, here’s a tip for

Now playing

Your choice in best newscaster is wrong -