
I guess I see Dolezal’s suing the University for discriminating against her for being white because she felt she had as much to say(or something as important to say) on the black experience as her black peers??? I could be wrong, not in her delightfully crazy head.... so I don’t know what she truly feels.

I would imagine it has to be more upsetting for black women, it being their lives and experiences that she’s appropriating, but as I’m not one that’s really only a guess.

I think this quote from the article you link to is very telling;

I have been really thinking about this recently and I think I have identified what irritates me most about here. Some of us are minorities who present as white. There is this awful double edged sword you live with. I refuse to “Spic it up” to appear more Latina, and I know I walk around with a certain amount of

“People would ask me in a roundabout way, ‘So are you?’ And I would say ‘What?’ And they’d say ‘What does your name mean?’ And I would say ‘Do you mean Whoopi?’ And they’d say ‘No, the other name.’ And then they would say ‘Come on, are you Jewish?’ And I always say ‘Would you ask me that if I was white? I bet not.’”

Sick of this whole overreported story as I am I’d also like to take a second to address all the idiots armchair-diagnosing Dolezal with a mental illness, because only people with mental illnesses do stupid shitty things.

I posted this in another comment, but I think the author lays out a pretty iron clad argument on why it’s not the same.

Gender identity is routed in the brain, race is pure social construct with the only biological thing being literally the skin tone and maybe some slight facial features.

I admit as a dude it wasn’t a show marketed to me and I was ok with that. I have no issues with shows of all women discussing issues from a women’s perspective. But how about we get some smart thoughtful hosts and not just shit stirring #hottake artists who frankly help push the stereotype of woman as catty gossip

It’s so they have something to ai during the time when most people are not home. Generally it’s consdiered a “mommy” show since the general target demographic is stay at home moms and housewives, though seniors are also a possibility. Think about it, it airs at a time when almost anyone who works is either at work or

Right? I admittedly don’t watch the show but, from all the clips I’ve seen, it feels like the appeal is: “I do so enjoy water cooler conversations with my uninformed coworkers. If only someone could recreate that as a TV show.”

Remember that Muslim lady who couldn’t get an unopened can of Coke on a plane because the flight attendant was worried she’d use it as a weapon? Meanwhile, Conrad Hilton gets caught smoking weed in an airplane bathroom, threatens to kill a flight attendant, and gets off with community service.

She’s been doing/saying weird shit for YEARS

Would it surprise you to learn that Tilda Swinton was made of pure sunshine?

White people are fucked up.

Remember when Whoopi was funny on purpose?

Why the fucking fuck does “rape rape” Whoopi still have a fucking career?!? I feel like I’m taking crazy pills. Literally no one (except for maybe Trump) says dumber, more obtuse fucked up shit in the history of idiot famous people. Why does no one call for her head on a stick like we love to do when someone sticks a

Was there ever a time when The View wasn’t just stupid people saying stupid things?

Rave, doll, stop.