
As a three-time W124 owner, this is an excellent price for this car. Hell, it’s almost a good price for an auto with 88k. For $8k, a manual W124 that’s this clean is going to go pretty quickly.

The Hollywood Reporter mentions “a baby Formula 1 car” which sounds amazing, but I don’t see it in any of this footage.

At least the Magnum happened, which has got to count for something on the weird scale.

The changes are obvious here because the pre-LCI model pictured has the standard (“luxury”) bumpers, and the LCI has the M Sport. Both bumpers were/will be available on both models.

Lots of thoughts here but most importantly, how did you not use:

But is that not the coolest vehicle on Earth?

Before you could select transmissions, my go-to was always “wagon speed,” since original-owner V70R buyers don’t write “manual” in their ad and just use “6-speed”. Brought up some cool stuff generally.

Who’s the poor sap that ended up with the front half of a Silverado?

This is absolutely a trend, but one thing to keep in mind is that all Fiats seem to drop like rocks. Based on these results of typical 2013 500 Abarths on DougDemuro.com Autotrader, I’d guess they’re wholesaling for $5000-6000.

The difference is that the people who said that about Obama were uneducated impoverished people living in poor communities in poor states, being informed about this by deeply racist church educators and equally uneducated hype-based media and talk radio hosts—the discourse about Trump is based on projections and

A couple people you are replying to are registered Uber drivers (myself included) who are going based on what their states requirements are. Uber displays these based on your location (for instance, 10 years in the state of Vermont, meaning 2006), so through the registration process you never encounter another state’s

Why would manual be an issue? I’ve been in tons of manual Ubers, and they had no problem registering mine. Although the Uber cutoff is 10 years or newer in most regions, so nowhere in the US would a 2002 anything be allowed.

Burlington, Vermont is 2006. Registered myself after riding in a 2006 Saab 9-3 and asking the guy what the deal was. Where are you?

You seem quite knowledgeable on this. Gotta ask, how far is the typical damage radius for a smaller military target these days? People throw around vast figures (Putin notably suggested the recently-unveiled Satan 2 could destroy an area the size of Texas, but I have some doubts regarding that), but for a national

Look up 240s and 245s on the West Coast and you’all reassess that. This is a fairly low- to middle-mileage 240, with most in the mid 300s and up to 550k. Without rust to worry about, California 240s (obviously this is Washington, but you’ll find the same trends there) never die.

Ah, that’s kind of what I was thinking the more I looked at it. Front didn’t seem to rise up much (although with whatever spring rate they’re running I’m sure it wouldn’t even on the road), and figured it was some kind of speed or friction measurement thing. Traction control makes sense—appreciate the explanation.

Is that dyno powering the front wheels, or is this thing all-wheel-drive, too?

They’re worried spending money most efficiently, which is a form of what mere mortals would call saving.

Yup, those people. The ones who dispute the $0.05 plastic bag for the $200 they spent on non-sale groceries. And who install $30,000 worth of solar panels to save $1000 on electricity, and a $15,000 resonant heating system in their kitchen because it’s “more efficient”.

The people who come to Vermont from New York, Boston, Connecticut, etc. and put down their roots from other places choose to do so because of how they want to identify. This is not JimBob and his F150 who shot a BB into his backyard and found oil. These are families where the father drives an E38 740iL he bought new