Since Fisker already failed twice, why did anyone finance him again? FFS this makes Tesla look well run.
Since Fisker already failed twice, why did anyone finance him again? FFS this makes Tesla look well run.
E39 was peak European sedan design, and maybe the pinnacle of sedan design globally, ever. It’s up there with the elegance and power of Elwood Engel designs, which are the greatest sedans of all time. 1960s Lincoln Continental being the peak, IMO.
Jeez it looks so frumpy and generic. It looks tall, narrow, and bubbly rather than long, wide, low, and sleek. From the front, it looks straight up like a CUV.
No they didn’t.
Wait. What? We’re talking about a company ( Pepsico) that had a revenue of 86.4 Billion dollars last year and I- the taxpayer- paid for a fleet of trucks for them? That does not make sense.
Yo Owen- do you mean “byproduct”?
Maybe I like the glugging.
You’re being an aggressive asshole for no reason. This dude is saying you can bring a gas can to an ICE vehicle that’s all. Calm the fuck down. It’s not some political viewpoint. No one is saying ICE cars can’t get stranded. Asshole.
Nice to see this garbage take get recycled. It would be incredibly stupid to stop reporting the things our literal LAW MAKERS are doing. This isn't some dumbass with a sign, this guy creates and votes on actual laws. Just because he's an idiot, doesn't mean he can't have a very tangible impact on millions of people.
Funded by Soros of course, with microchips supplied by Bill Gates
This makes perfect sense because EVs are only purchased by groomers to transport stolen children to underground pizza parlors where they are forced to listen to drag queen story hour twenty-two hours a day. At age 16, embedded computer chips receive 5G transmissions that activate them as covert antifa mercenary…
I never sausage an unspeakable crime.
To be fair, isn’t most of UK rail still around the 110 mph mark? It’s tricky to go faster when you’re on one (or two) hundred year old tracks.
Good passenger rail infrastructure is a positive. It killing people on the tracks isn’t. The two can coexist.
The question is, should these trains be traveling at above-freeway speeds through neighborhoods across 178 street-crossings with almost no protection or surveillance around these intersections.
This is accurate. Studies have found over and over again that a perceived lower threat of getting a ticket means people will speed more. No shit, this is all of us Jalops who probably factor the likelihood of a cop being around when we decide to do some enthusiastic driving. I’m not gonna drive spiritedly on a road…