
And there was BREAKING BAD, too.

Wow.  Yanno what, folks?  #MeToo goes both ways. People, it’s really simple. Don’t touch other people without their permission.

I just don’t get the endless ragging on Amy as some kind of unattractive monster. While the “were you wearing a full-length mirror?” line was funny, but approving of her “bulimia” (as Gary first reported to Selina) and constantly treating her as disposable due to her appearance is getting old.

I thought it sounded like Jadis/Anne.

I did at the time, though I don’t remember what was said (I watch with closed captions on).  What I do remember is that the voice sounded a good bit like Jadis/Anne.

Am I the only one who remembers that while the show still films in GA, it’s now set in Virginia?  Alexandria is not far from Washington, D.C.  That was established back when Deanna was introduced; she was a legislator.  It snows in the D.C. area fairly regularly (though I’ve heard D.C. is nonetheless prone to losing

You’re right. Their safe community was Hilltop.

Ohmigawd, I am so glad the Haters Guide is back. I’m so glad YOU’RE back. 

YES. I was absolutely certain that Jerry was going to die this episode while trying to get that damned projector bulb, or return home to find Nabila and/or the children dead.

Im a little confused as to why Alpha has a southern accent. Was she from the South by way of Baltimore? Returning home after Baltimore fell? Because if youre from Bawlimer, your accent is not Southern; a Baltimore accent is pretty much the same as a Philadelphia accent.


I think Henry’s stupidity is absolutely NOT believable. His “second parents” are Carol and Ezekiel, fercryinoutloud. These are two smart characters with a ton of experience living in this world. Why is their “kid” so freakin’ stupid?

At least @Soylent Green is amusing!

As someone who had no prior knowledge of this story*, and who wouldn’t be caught dead watching a Lifetime movie, I’m pretty happy to have discovered ESCAPE AT DANNEMORA.

Thank you for this tip - going to check out Rob Bricken now. I dont understand why AVC consistently uses writers who hate the shows theyre recapping.

“Carol knows sign language because of course she does. I’m pretty sure by the season finale we’re going to find out that she can fly and talk to birds.”

SO DID I. Since the season kicked off, weve seen that Carol and Ezekiel are married, that Jerry and Nabila are a couple, and of course Gabe and Anne/Jadis, followed by Gabe and Rosita. Given that we’re six years past Aaron losing his fiance, and Jesus has never had an on-screen romance, so I just figured it was time.

There are, indeed, but why consider their feelings when fat-shaming is so much fun? #notafanoffatshaming

Isn’t Cohan leaving Walking Dead for another series acting gig?

Yes, indeed. I saw the same thing.