I would say the most important equipment is the photographer him/herself. What is at the other end of the camera is only subject to the photographer's interpretation.
I would say the most important equipment is the photographer him/herself. What is at the other end of the camera is only subject to the photographer's interpretation.
I second that and add my second favorite: the Hasselblad 500 (the whole V system as it is referred to nowadays :)
That is what Nasa wanted you to believe. they implanted this memory into your brain while moving a massive flying saucer from area 51 :0)
Had the same feeling. Again, I don't know and it may be a totally legit picture. Is it even legal to fly so low over LA?
Since I have not seen a 404 for a long time (guess people are getting better at designing websites...) this seems to me like a curious idea. Even if I get on a 404, I would probably not read what is displayed or think of the message as non legit... it is a creative idea though and I hope it helps find these kids.
Agree with that. It is like comparing MacBook Air users with MacBook Pro users... totally different crowd with tiny overlap. People are so bad... so unfair...
Its all about time travel... when you scroll too far and too fast you disrupt the space/time continuum and skip 10 years.
Time travel does not "work". Time is an illusion and therefore can be modified according to one's will. Ask Stephen Hawking... he is from the future and laugh at us primitive being. Why do I have to be so serious in this post... I will go back in time and change this.
The Doc Brown factory is a reality... these are just missing the flux capacitors :0)
Drugs... avoid them of just deal with them... but dont show up on TV. Anyway... if this vegetable would know a little better, Google is referering to googol which is 10 the factor of 100 (or ten duotrigintillion)... yes... I used wiki to find the latter :). I wonder what will happen when he will us wikipedia... his…
That's ok... they will sue Samsung on another thing or two and get another billion dollar so they can bath in their money...
I never really understood that brand... not only their product are terrible but in french, "poupon" means "little baby". So you need to be very special to become a member of the Grey Baby club... cant even think what they are worshiping in there... scary.
Unboxing videos are the apogee of consumerism. Pure fetishism and proof that most people like to buy things for the very intent to have something new. Just as the new iPhones are sold like crazy because they are "new" whereas their current iPhone works perfectly well and has a ton of features they probably never heard…
Well... thanks to all of you guys for your response. I guess I must be less attracted to phones than most people :0) Personally I don't really care what my phone does except giving me a reliable communication and some entertainment and If I want something very badly, I don't mind waiting a little bit as long as I get…
I still don't get why people want to be the first one to get iPhones (or whatever else it is they pre-order). I always get things when they are available to the public and don't have to wait in line or pre-order. Perhaps it has to do with the distribution in the US. I live in Hong Kong and I never had a problem…
let see what would happen when a lighting strike the airplane and shut down all avionics (including frying the iPad which will certainly need to be plugged into a power source since they have a bad battery life). That is why planes still have analog gauges. Now they wont have procedures to follow anymore. Plus I am…
So if I get this right, they are trying to save fuel by removing a few documents from the cockpit whereas they let Mr.I-just-ate-by-fat-burger-and-weight-300-pounds in the plane taking 2 seats (one of which one poor soul is supposed to sit as well). This is the most ridiculous idea I ever heard. This would also be…