
This is a valid concern. I keep 2 keys in separate locations (1 for daily use and one backup). Each keys are unique and most systems (google etc) allow to add more than one key. You can also download recovery codes (list of unique code to use if you really loose all of your keys and other auth method). You need to

ha... The power of love. I wish she goes and find another guy now. What a jerk.

Indirect benefit from letting some movie director add to the fame of Apple. Plus the fact that they surely are going to win any lawsuit if the movie says something wrong about the fruit company.

I agree Jobs was smart and innovative. However, calling him the "original innovator" is a bit far fetched. What about people like Tesla or Carnegie. Or if we look further than that, people like Pythagoras. They did not only innovate, they defined the world we live in today. Jobs created a good phone and some computers

TDK... no compromise. This was so implanted in my subconscious when I saw Blade Runner for the 50th time where they have the big TDK neon sign at the final / roof / tears in the rain scene.

totally agree. this is a cheap trick to get people to watch the 10,000ths freaking timelapse posted on the internet. I don't see anything else than a plane in there. If people would look at the sky a little more often, they would not believe in UFOs at all.

I think there is a major misconception here. Hong Kong, although still belonging to China, is very different from the mainland and connections in China are really bad. With the exception of big cities like Shanghai or Beijing, internet connections are pretty slow in my experience. Hong Kong is independent in terms of

This is true if you live on Hong Kong Island where they installed optic fiber all over the place (btw. I live in Hong Kong so I am a first hand experienced user :) However, if you live in the New Territories, chances are the speed will be "limited" to 8 mbs. Funny thing is that my mobile phone connection is now faster

Obviously you never fly. You really need to be a retard to make that kind of comment.

Gee... with the amount of cash this guy has he still use the public transports... how cheap :)

Ha! at last... no more wasted calories opening the fridge to get my boose...

I know taste and colors should not be discussed... but i almost did not see Baba here... he is almost camouflaged by the red curtains on the background and the flow of color hurts my eyes (I am specialized in black and white photography so it may be only me). It also look almost Lomo-ish. Something on a darker

I still don't get why police chase these guys endangering everyone on their path... once identified, just get the guy later... they are just cornering wild animals which makes them extra dangerous. I admit I like watching these on TV but still...

Ha! the devil is playing with us again! After hiding dinosaur bones ot make us believe in the theory of evolution, he troubles us with moutains of contradictory information! Everybody knows earth is only 6000 years old...

I wonder if anyone ever tried the opposite... using balloons as... oh boy... nevermind.

I would have called it Shell Beach... and put a "Dark City" on it. I am sure the french tuned it out and placed it next to avenue C...

"Jesus probably wasn't born in Bethlehem. It was perhaps in Nazareth." mmm... perhaps he was born in Lichtenstein...

I cant believe this is not real cushion!! (perhaps they put some butter in there)

well... I am confused... is it roboman or ironcop?

from "Casino Royale" I learned the trick to use salt in hot water to make you throw up... no more fingers in the mouth after parties!!! Yeepee! Also very useful if you get poisoned by a bad guy like "Le Chiffre"