
Does anyone have contact information for these people? I have the possibility to pre-order the iPhone 6... the iPhone 5 is so much yesterday non-existent product.

Fake or not this seem totally safe... and practical. I like the challenge though :0)

For those who wondered, this is in the MTR (subway) in Hong Kong. It is not uncommon but still looks sad to me. Ah... I am old fashioned I guess... if they love it, may they be happy :)

"Liquid light" works pretty well... and is safer than the collodion process which use very toxic chemicals that either make you sleep (ethers) or simply kill you (Cyanide, although optional :0). It is true that the choice is getting very limited nowadays though.

You probably consider yourself very smart and brilliant. This kind of comment is pathetic. Perhaps all kind of art not mainstream would now be "hipster". Get a life jerk.

"Get rid of the temptation to treat your bed like anything other than a recharging station"

I am on a donkey (and it does not like people either)... consider yourself lucky guys.

Agree. The f35 is like the fat man version of the slim F22. for that price they could at least be beautiful.

It is now my goal in life to avoid people like Pleix creating our future.

They spent all their money finding a glue that does not intoxicate their new planes' pilots. Why spend a little of these few billions budget on better graphics really?

Wow... we really see the genius of apple here... a longer bigger screen? This is really an evolution. Hail to the fruit!

Now if they could do the same for the "friend suggestions" which in 99.9% of the case is either someone we have absolutely no relations with or have been avoiding thinking off. Perhaps then I will consider using Facebook again on a regular basis.

Now playing

Craig will always look better than Roger Moore driving a gondola on St Mark Square while pathetic tourists and pigeons are looking at him embarrassing himself in Moonraker :0)

"Is that a large screen smartphone in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?" says the woman on my big screen smartphone...

Well.. they tell me "please fill in a valid location" when I type in Hong Kong... So sick and tired of these american-centric people who cannot get their asses out of their pathetic neighborhoods. Not so bright...

This is nice... but for most guys, 70% of the internet (the so called nsfw content) is the "dramatic" photos of their dreams.

Hail to the fruit... we love you o' you sweet totalitarian goodness.

I cant imagine the disaster if you have this inflatable pillow and the guy in front of you recline the seat. Instant suffocation... like a giant airbag that does not deflate... horrible. These guys are really nuts.

I will buy the Knee Defenders and shove them in the mouth of the next 300 pound guy who takes over the armrest and snores all the way to the landing, salivating and blocking the way to the bathroom.