
Actually, I thought the seat could recline so when it happens, the passenger swear he will be flying business next time. More potential profit for the airline. This eliminate the grouchy passengers and leave the other who a) do not have the wealth to fly business or first, b) dont care about reclining seats :0) ... It

This is my new wet dream... thanks.

This cable actually helps binary code flow better. Some viruses attack zeros and create a pile of ones in the cable which slows everything down. With this cable, no need to pull the cable straight to help the flow of ones anymore (they tend to have a hard time going through curves because of their lack of roundness,

the top secret name of this new weapon is "Angry Bird" and it is controlled by an iPhone. We are all doomed.

Helicopters now literally became a new weapon... a bit expensive for the effect though and they missed the house... targeting system need re-calibration.

I clearly remember the first time I saw color image of the hand holding the kickstart 1.0 disk when booting my dad's Amiga 1000 back somewhere in the 80's and being wowed by the splendid 2 or 3 colors on that image :). Before that I remember copying lines after lines of code to have some game running on a TRS 80 from

I don't like people taking picture of me without my consent.. but these McDonald guys are a good representation of the kind of jerks you find in Paris. I never understood how such a beautiful city could be filled with so despicable people ...

I wonder how many enemies the Woz has when he is flying... just imagine when they say " please turn your electronic devices for take off and landing"... 1/2 hour later the Woz is still at work turning off his gadgets :0)

There are two things here: Why the heck would people like to see some moron opening a box?

If reflection on one self is about knowing what score some dude we have not seen for 20 years did on the latest "social" game or being suggested to "friend" some douche we ignored for months, then yes we would have no sense of self without facebook. But this would mean we all could get a life as well. Dont take me

I just hope there is a good way to detect whether it is the tip of a finger or the palm of your hand touching the screen... if you ever tried to draw on a tablet with a pen, you know what I mean. Otherwise... can't wait to have this disposable income you guys are talking about... never heard about it before :)

The questions is... who cares?

I hope they teach the pilots to fly without the computer just in case Skynet takes over. Perhaps those special glue vapor makes thinks look much easier after all...

This is all summed up in "If" from Rudyard Kipling. I am not going to paste it here to avoid copyright trolls getting to me but you can google it if you never read it.

That moment of silence... the guy just saying nothing but "pizdets"... sounds like his friend was totally stone or saw the guy moving down there and cursed he was not dead :) I see edits on that video with the cartoon sounds coming soon :0)

Probably some looser who does not accept the fact that Asia will take over the world economy. I will be glad the day this guy loose his job and gets rejected by Asian employers for this email or simply for being too american.

reminds me of these mushrooms I used to eat. Dali would be proud of this btw :)

Ah! I knew a Goodyear always involved a lot condoms :0)

At this rate, the Chinese version will be fully operational and probably better than the original very soon.