
looks like we are back in the 80's with all these fancy desk accessories that never worked and no one ever really used.

While watching this video, I somehow had the voice of Dr.Zoidberg saying "all right... you are being nonchalant!" at the back of my mind. Praise the zen0-vandalism movement that has come to Britain. The funny thing is that in the end the cops seems more nervous than anyone else. I wonder what they were really telling

The other guy is a robot from Zuck's personal army of droids. The dog has a special compartment to hide a defense system (classified ... we believe it is a ray gun but no one is sure). In case of emergency, the dog can be used as a anti aircraft missile. The dog model is a Zuck Mark III.

107.99 USD!!!!???? What the heck is this? the typical 8gb usb drive (if you can still find them of that size) cost about 50hkd over here in Hong Kong which is about 6.5 usd... the rest is as cheap to producing regular paper clips of that size. I would value this at max 8 USD and I am generous. I am sure the same will

Oh! look... its black and it has a screen! great job! Can we just keep this shit out of giz for a while. Is there going to be an update on this piece of crap everytime a new picture appear? This is pathetic.

I hear you... there is no way I will get my driving instruction from a pathetic half breed from apple. I call a boycott!

I wonder if one day, the mass of people will realize this guy shoved his totalitarian business down their throat, called is sugar and that everyone enjoyed it. After all, Hitler was highly appreciated by a lot of German and some other nations... Either way, I will boycott this movie... I have wasted enough time on

It the end... Boulder Hill has been besieged and taken over by Cobra agents disguised as firefighters... how cowardly of them to use such a petty ruse.

Who's in for a step further? ... eat film, drink developer, stopper and fixer (make sure you dance a little in between the chemicals to insure proper processing), rinse with hypo clearing agent and drink 20 litres of water to rinse the whole thing. When you poop is out in the darkroom, light a flashlight towards your

Well... I hope they did not copy everything since this piece of junk does not work. Why would they copy when they can do better? Its only a matter of funds and China will not be stupid enough to spend billions on a flying toaster.

I am sure they wanted to keep the safe search off but they had an estimated 38 volume dictionary if they would have done so. reluctantly, they enabled safe search and kept the other pictures for themselves as everybody else on the internet :)

I have to say you do have a point here :0) since 99.9% of the world population is moronic, we probably are as well. Who's more a moron is just a matter of debate and is pointless to define.

well... you definitely prove your point here. I accept your explanation plainly and will from now on consider you as such.

Thanks for the clarification! I was already looking to change my website and was wondering why I could not find any info :)

That means web designer's now have to test on more browser for compatibility... web designer's hell is becoming increasingly absurd... hope it is not another IE6

This is the problem with technology... there is always a new one lurking at the door to tell you you are a fool to buy its predecessor. I bought a Transformer tablet from Asus a week before the transformer prime got out on the market... I should have read the internet :)

Why dont we just fricking put an iphone on the back of a Canon EOS 5d mark III... this would simplify things :)

You are a genius aren't you? I will take some time to meditate your answer and ignore the fact that you have no sense of humor whatsoever.

I think apple just opened a store up there...

And people still look at me when I get out my large format camera...