Labor - all the risk, all the blame.
Labor - all the risk, all the blame.
I hope the players read this and then never give PK quotes ever again.
I laughed at how incredibly hard he’s trying not to call Hardy a cancerous prick.
I’ve gotta agree with him; it’s scenarios like this that get people on pins and needles and couches covered with guns.
I hadn’t realized just how bad the market had slowed down in 2015. It’s the sort of thing that tends to retroactively get declared “the start of the recession.”
I just hope the shit hits the fan after November, for America’s sake...
Yeah it grew. It grew. It definitely grew.
If anything, maybe I can practice and hand off and still get some mental reps that way.
15. Vontaze Burfict
Active NCAA official here with an answer...
Potvin? I hear he sucks.
True or not, the notion that Kobe has a theory on passing the ball, of all things, is humorous to me.
Makes sense, seeing as both take about 14 shots before they get a point
Well, I think that’s part of my overall point. It might not be the hardest shot (though it’s up there). It might not be the most accurate (though he does seem to miss the goalie a lot). But, he has a top-class slap shot and wrist shot, and clearly a great release, as he gets it off and hits the target. Not to mention…
Every episode starts with Mickey Mouse saying, “Hey kids! Do you wanna come inside my clubhouse?”
That is an awfully meager and totally uncompelling list.
Looks to me like the (second) save was made by Dman Nate Schmidt, not Holtby (Holtby extended, but it was Schmidt’s stick that stopped the puck).
Rangers fan here. Ovi is awesome. He gets a lot of hate (mostly for not being born Canadian), but hockey fans are damn lucky to have a dude like that around.
Nor is aligning yourself with Japan having a 26 game point streak, and annexing Sudetenland leading the NHL in scoring, bro.
These switches are BITCHIN!!!! I bought a wall switch and plug switch. The custimizing options are very extensive. I got the main light in my house programmed to come on if the EXTERNAL garage door opener is used and only if the sun has set.
And then all the options I was able to set for my Christmas tree was crazy.…
These switches are BITCHIN!!!! I bought a wall switch and plug switch. The custimizing options are very extensive. I…