
Most of the lugnut spikes I’ve seen are not plastic but chrome plated STEEL. And those will tear up anything they come in contact with. How stupid can we be here, attempting to justify these dangerous add-ons that contribute nothing useful to road safety and are in fact a very net-negative. This is the second article

About 8 large or so IMHO 

I believe the date of the Toyota press release may have some bearing on the ultimate usefulness of this patent. Just sayin’...

And during that ten days you’ve got four inch pieces of satellite roaring around low orbit. See above picture of half an ounce of plastic striking a big ass block of aluminum at the kind of speeds routinely experienced in low orbit.

This kind of shit makes my hair hurt. I couldn’t have swung an IROC Porsche then but the cars I coulda...

Exactly. Last time I checked “Context” has nothing to do with whether a foul is a foul. Or a Flagrant a Flagrant.

Looks more like we found the butthurt brain dead cager. Have a fucked up life, dickhead ... oh wait, you already ARE having that fucked up life. Enjoy the rest of it.

Hi Otto. Bad morning or are you always a fuckin’ tool?

Hi Scott! Welcome to SanHo! I’ve been riding up here for 45 years and this is probably the best place in the country for motorcycle riding: Great roads, better than average drivers (I’ve been pretty much everywhere so I can honestly say that), better than average weather, the lanes are wider here than SoCal.

The track in the lead picture was selling for 2.6 million, not 800 large, unfortunately...

Shit, KL, you were in San Ho and didn’t give me a call? That cuts deep, I tell you, Deep...

CP. Here are some sorta comps from the SF Bay Area Craigs:

Exactly so. Safety Third.

Nice pitchers. Are you sure you didn’t have Kurt there?

Exactly. I am so glad to hear someone else is using my entirely effective method of, “Do you want me to come back there?”

Exactly. Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should.

LOL. Really, really hard. I guess that would be ROTFLMAO.

The stats might be all over the place but they’re not on their website. If the numbers were as awesome as you’re sayin’ they would be front and center on the site. I’m sure the bikes are absolutely killer to ride. I just think the lack of hard info from them is saying something and it’s not good.

Except they don’t speak to range and weight AT ALL on their website. The Ego looks good and costs about 27 large. If they’re not going to speak to the key performance limitation of an electric bike on the website, I suspicious. Very suspicious...

No, he did not do that alone. He had the NBA commissioner playing for the Cavs that year.