
"Moses was only five years old when his adoptive parents decided they didn't want him anymore so they gave him away to complete strangers on the Internet. "

In retrospect, we should have all heeded the warning signs of what happens when Mike Myers is given too much creative control…

No, its more about lawful detainment/imprisonment.

I would say the difference there is that Happy Endings did not air until late in the 2010-2011 TV season. So presumably the expiry dates on these contracts are tied somehow to when the show actually airs.

It's wishful thinking on Rashida's part. Once productions wrapped everyone is moving on to other projects, unless they have some sort of contract compelling them to return if the show gets renewed.

Miami's usually good enough to eke out 1-2 SNF/MNF games per year.

Are the contestants sequestered during the first round, or will Friday's players know exactly what scores they need to make it to next week?

Seems like it would be pretty straightforward given the clusterfuck of internet sleuthing and false accusations that occurred in the week after the bombing.

That at least has some basis in fact, namely that there was half-serious discussions about suspending elections if there was an imminent terror threat (Note that neither the President nor Congress has the power to unilaterally suspend an election).

Not sure why they would have to do that - Disney may not have the film rights but they still make money whenever a Spidey or X-Men film is released.

Is it really that unspoken? There was an episode of Golden Girls where Dorothy tried to get on the show and she was basically told she wasn't telegenic enough.

Hah, I was in one of the municipalities that was allowed to vote OVER THE INTERNET.

Last I heard most of the wingnuts expect Obama to take the coward's way out and resign. So naturally they want some law passed to prevent him from resigning so that he can be impeached in the manner he deserves.

Community would have been cancelled if Outsourced had been renewed. The latter was pulling significantly higher ratings, but got killed by the move to 10:30 in to the Winter.

Coulsen can't really afford to be losing redshirts as part of some long game at the moment….

This isn't exactly new information, there are scenes from that party in the trailer and there is one wide shot where you can see the mysterious woman standing next to Thor. They were pretty sneaky about how they cut the footage last night to not reveal any further details.

I can't begin to fathom the amount of non-commenting clicks a BBT review must be getting - reviews are generally negative and often times there are comments that suggest the reviewer is not really paying attention while watching the show.

This happened back in 2007 for the first and (only?) time. I believe all three come back for a rematch. Clips are out there to watch.

Depends on whether the Simpsons review actually gets posted…

From the "No, really, its not available in your country" department: FX Canada is not airing Partners.