
There's something up with the authentication certificate but for some reason you don't get a warning about it if you log in through the top banner.

When is heavy petting week?

Where on earth did you get the idea that liberals wanted Trump to disappear?

If they actually are using my information to display those links, they're doing a piss-poor job of it because a) I really don't give a crap about any of them and b) the same articles keep showing up for months/years on end.

Do you think FIFA will ever have the gall to tell the men that they will be playing on turf? Should a top flight Women's competition settle for less?

I really thought that his life essence was somehow going to get transferred to that desiccated corpse in the crime lab.

One reason is they got callouts all to their own in TV guide. Pretty important when you're at the far end of the TV dial.

It extends further then that… the show was heavily promoted with shots from the Pilot (Particularly Summer Glau popping out of that box). So all the "hooks" you're using to get people to tune in weren't there when they aired the first episode…

They needed an enigma machine to figure out how it was built. Once they had that they could start analyzing how it worked to determine if there were any inadvertent patterns. Cracking messages day-to-day relied on some combinatoric fallacies by the Germans to simplify the number of permutations that needed to be

You need to understand that they make those predictions based on the shows ratings to date. If SHIELD comes back doing the ratings Agent Carter is doing right now, that prediction is going to change.

Hah, by that point Nielsen will probably have had to de-value the rating so they don't have to start reporting to 2-3 significant digits.

For those of you hoping for a good nights rest by watching The Blacklist on Global, past experience suggests the show will be embargoed until Super Bowl coverage ends on NBC.

All that pent up creative frustration coming out of the WGA strike…

The show is really on fire in the latter half of season two and season 3. I can't believe how many of my favorite episodes occur in that stretch.

The omission of any Frasier episodes from the three articles is completely shocking.

I think you're confusing two different episodes. The erogenous zone scene only features Chandler, Monica, and Rachel. The scene with Joey and Chandler going to bunk comes from the episode where Monica and Rachel win their apartment back by kissing for a full minute.

Aside from the final reveal, the finale of Newhart is very pedestrian.

"The Injury" and "Conflict Resolution" are probably the two greatest showcases for the core and supporting cast, respectively.

When was the last time a Network cancelled a show so early into its second season?

This has been Matthew Perry's lot in life for years, actually. People were trying to make him a sitcom lead for years pre-Friends. Dude must have an amazing agent.