
And shouldn't the "T" in that tweet stand for "Two", i.e. Attack of the Clones?

Looks like YOU'RE the one that needs a clock shoved up their ass!

It was Coathangerstein, it got changed at Ellis Island. Thanks Obama!

The premiere had 900k viewers on BBCA. So, a respectable number but probably not going to crack the the top 30.


I think that's all network stuff, not cable i.e. its not popular enough to crack the chart.

von Braun was one of those guys that was eminently famous in his day but has been largely forgotten by the public at large since his death.

I thought that started over at Television Without Pity.

My completely uninformed opinion puts its chances at slim. Offhand it looks like Global was really hoping that a US network would pick this up as a summer series a la Motive or Flashpoint, but that doesn't seem to have happened.

Hell, they didn't even have the SFX budget to do it for Fury's car in CA2.

They lost a lot of their punch after The Principal and the Pauper aired.

Don't worry, it's just a fad.

The link is broken, but haven't the first two seasons of Newsradio always been packaged together? And if you're going to dip your toe in, you might as well go full bore and get the entire series for $40. You won't regret it.

The latest projection at Box Office Mojo has it in 10th, barely edging out The Monuments Men.

To be fair, they went looking for Barney, they just ended up doing a half-assed job.

The terribleness of the green screen was compounded by the fact that they actually filmed Robin and Ted on a real beach.