
Why do so many people equate “did their time” with “all sins are washed away”?

“We’ve all messed up, made bad mistakes, tried to kill a woman. Just everyday stuff, you know?”

It’s also amazingly her first acting role (though she had been on TV before as a host (not Westworld))!

Me too. Also let it be said that as brave and outspoken as Jameela Jamil is about this and other causes, she also is really, really good as Tahani on The Good Place. She is so funny, but the character is often overbearing and exasperating, but in a way that you understand comes from her insecurities.

Such a shame that at least two of the leads of one of my favourite films of the 00s, Milk, an otherwise progressive film that lambasts homophobic violence and prejudice no less, are such misogynist shitheads.

To be fair to Hirsch, he did this back in 2015, when we didn’t know it was wrong to choke a woman out at a party and never apologize for it. Is it fair to judge historical figures by present-day standards?

I stand with Jameela. And given our relative heights, I probably make a perfect elbow rest.

God, you just depressed the fuck out of me.

I think of Kenan a lot like how I thought of Joe Biden during the Obama presidency: I can’t really imagine him going on to bigger things, but damned if his weirdo ass isn’t the best at the underappreciated but vital job he has right now.

Versatility. In addition to impressions and wacky characters, he can also play the lone sane person in a sketch (and still steal a scene doing that). I imagine that makes him pretty easy to write for, and he can be slotted into almost any sketch.

Listen, all I’m saying is that whenever his last show is, have Kel Mitchell on, and do a Good Burger sketch.

Kenan’s longest tenure on SNL is impressive also considering he’s still in a lot of different sketches consistently. Darrell Hammond lasted almost as long but he was relied on for specific celebrity impressions like Bill Clinton or Sean Connery and didn’t seem to be in as many sketches during as his career went on,

I’m scared for him to leave, too. He’s like my one constant in this world. We’ll get new Presidents, we’ll get new nations, but Kenan Thompson on SNL is eternal.

But if grown men are acting like babies, how else should we describe them?

“I mean we allowed that one of them in before but that was only because Han vouched for him!”


You mean it turns out many manbabies problem with TLJ was more to do with the diverse cast than any supposed “ruining” of the lore.

Or how about we don’t attack anybody? For fuck’s sake, I hated the movie quite a lot, didn’t really like Rian Johnson’s attitude in some bits I’ve seen, but I don’t think we need to start stalking him online and yelling at him. He made a bad movie (in my opinion) and I dislike the direction a series I liked is moving

“Excuse me, sir. SIR! As a fan who disagreed with the technical merits, character beats, and plot points of TLJ, it is my SOVREIGN RIGHT to call prominent women in the cast cunts. How ELSE am I to register my intense displeasure!?”

Saw it twice yesterday. Wanted to offer a much more insightful write-up here, but my keyboard’s busted and I have to copy paste every single “a” letter.