
I liked OHMSS, and I never really understood the criticism of it. GL wasn't the best Bond but he wasn't bad either. I thought Diana Rigg was great in it. I liked the fact that they had a leading lady who could actually act and had a personality. I'm glad it's gained some appreciation over the years.


Hopefully you're joking, but we have the other seasons here too. You can also play tennis inside. The hockey/curling jokes are a bit stale.😉

She did. But she also said something like she missed Minnie and she wanted it the way it was before.

Yeah, that bugs me too. I think at least the little girl mentioned her (the dog's name is Minnie, right?)

All he has to do is show up as Putin and I start laughing.

I agree. You need someone who can play evil/conniving really well, and Rosie isn't the one. Until, or if, they can ever find the perfect one, Bannon as the Grim Reaper is strangely suitable. Don't have a celebrity do it just for the sake of having a celebrity do it.

"he’s not “going to sit around and engage with people who have no desire to actually get something right.”"
But he will sit with Fox news, who spread White House false beliefs that the mosque shooting in Quebec was done by a Moroccan, instead of by a Quebec-Canadian citizen with far right beliefs who admires Trump.

They may have thought they were justified in doing that because he was a convicted murderer and wanted to prevent him from hurting anyone else. That was my thought anyway.

Nah, he never even tried. He kept aiming for the upper body/head.

For me, the part that bugs me the most was when Gerard was shooting at Kimble through the bulletproof glass. Kimble's foot was sticking out through the doors - why didn't Gerard just shoot the foot? I love this movie, but that part always bugged me for some reason.

I never liked the Grinch cartoon. I always felt so sorry for Max.

Michael Emerson's monologue in "The Day the World Went Away" alone should have gotten him on this list. And yes, they were a great ensemble too. I miss this show.

Agree completely. POI was amazing and had a perfect ending.

Unfortunately, Michael Emerson was overlooked for an emmy this year 😟

It would be a shame if Person of Interest was left off the list. I know there's a lot of tv out there, but all you have to do is see Michael Emerson's bone- chilling speech in ep 10 to include it. This underrated show went out in style.

Agree completely.

Now I wish we could get more Barney Miller and less MASH. Can't find Barney Miller anywhere.

The Monorail gets my vote.

My vote would have to be Marge vs the Monorail. That was perfection.