
I think this was also the final episode where Kalinda and Alicia had a scene in the same room together. The fact that there was an obvious problem, and the producers denying there was a problem, led to a decline in quality. With the exception of a few episodes, the show was never the same.

I find myself watching the old episodes too. Many Happy Returns and The Devil's Share (especially the first 5 minutes) still get to me. And yes, I agree, you see many details you missed the first time around! The attention to detail on this show was beyond belief.

Many Happy Returns from S1 has always been a favorite of mine.

Did you find the recap? The finale was pretty much perfect. Too bad there weren't any goodbye scenes between Bear and Finch/Reese, but you can't have everything!

Farewell POI - a great show will be missing from the tv landscape after tonight. I can't believe how much I'm anticipating and dreading this episode at the same time.

Ha! I was thinking more along the lines of an undercover career breaking up some dog fighting rings, but that's good too!

I'm thinking that with the shortened season, maybe they weren't able to incorporate him as much as they would have otherwise and/or coordinate schedules as much

I know. Everytime I hear that question asked I want to tell them "Say everyone, you idiot".

Weren't we all looking for Bear's alternate story? And who the heck has been looking after him while the team was away?

I'm a bit hazy on the exact details, but anyone associated with the setup of Finch's machine was being killed, including the guy who found and set up the facility out west where it was first stored. It was Cole's investigation of this that got the attention of the Relevant side, who then murdered him. But yes, I'm

I had no trouble remembering him. It was the same episode where they showed the flashbacks of Reese talking to Jessica in the airport. "In the end, we're all alone". I have the dvds. And yes, I am the number 1 fan.

Michael Emerson just proved that the wrong people have been winning the Emmys.

I'd prefer to see Leon instead.

In an article today, Nolan/Plageman pretty much said that Control was killed.

I think it was implied in Elias' first appearance this season that he was told about Samaritan.

Well, he did tell the Voice something along the lines of " No more, you'll never be able to hurt anyone else". The way he said that was kind of creepy, made me think that he wasn't just talking about prison.

I almost expected him to be standing under the bridge with the rest of the group. He may as well have been - he's pretty much one of them now.

Great episode. I'm so glad they're incorporating so much of Elias in this shortened final season. Elias being able to see the darker side of Harold (a continuation of their little chat last week), and Harold's seemingly growing acceptance that Elias may be right about him - so well done. And such a good idea to

That confused me too. But I think that meant that if you usually read the header, then you'll know that they really wanted to pick POI as the top pick, but had to pick something else (probably because it's their top pick for Tuesday night).