Cool yer heels, Mabel

I wish this would stop being called a fucking fantasy. These fuckers raped and murdered a child, full stop.

Her face looks like it hurts.

They’re all grown in the same petri dish at Fox Labs.

Only commies like books! Oops, they like commies now. Only libtards like books!

Aaaand we lost the attention of Trump Nation at “book.”

She will also be in charge of writing Melania’s speeches.

Why does every fucking Republican woman look exactly the same? Same fake nose, same fake hair, same fake tan.

Great post. I come to Jezebel to get a sane take on the crazy antics going on around the world but this article is embarrassing and bordering on fake news. Of course they’re not going to release the classified portion, isn’t that just common sense?

It’s not the person who wrote the NYTimes article, it is Hannah who doesn’t understand the NYTimes reporting or what an intelligence analysis is. She’s using a follow up article about Russia’s response as the basis for this garbage. The NYTimes has a whole collection of articles on the intelligence report and this


All I’m getting out of this is that whoever wrote the NYT piece doesn’t understand what an analysis is. The report’s declassified, of course it’s not going to have any of the actual intel that led them to their conclusion in it. And fuck whatever Putin’s mouthpieces are saying, they’re irrelevant because we know

As it’s been reported, the publicly released version of the Intelligence community’s report on the election doesn’t include any info that could jeopardize sources and cyber trails. But the top secret version has them.

Great response to an absolute shit pile of an article from Hannah. I’m embarrassed for her.

When can we shame stupid Trump voters for allowing themselves to be influenced by paid for Russian trolls? That their hatred of Hillary Clinton is so severe they allowed themselves to do the bidding of Vladmir Putin. How can republican voters not feel completely embarrassed for themselves?!

I literally just told you the reason to not present evidence is that high value assets would be exposed and their lives in danger. You can believe whatever you want but if you truly believe the FBI, CIA, and NSA got together and spun a huge lie well, maybe they are dumping the chemtrails over my house too.

Hannah, I’m disappointed in the clickbait title. Claiming these agencies “did not present evidence” is not merely misleading but untrue. You are spreading same sort of misinformation that drives clicks for conspiracy bloggers and Fox News.

Wow. This is a total garbage article. Jezebel really needs to rethink its political reporting- really, really not good. Let’s look at the NYTimes. Oh look. Literally the second bullet point front page main points of the article without even clicking on the article itself:

But the declassified report contained no information about how the agencies had collected their data

I like this tweet too!