The best FLOTUS of all time ? .
The best FLOTUS of all time ? .
bullshit. you spelled all that correctly.
Yes, Mrs. Obama, you made us proud. Never doubt that for even a minute. Your grace has raised the bar for all First Ladies from now until the end of our nation. Thank you for being the people’s FLOTUS.
Watching her this morning moved me more than I anticipated it would. It felt like, not only the end of her tenure as FLOTUS, but the end of civility, intellectualism, and empathy in Washington for a long time to come. And when she choked up near the end, I think it’s because she knows it, too.
I think she was too good for us.
Such laws—called preemption laws—are in the Constitution under the Supremacy Clause to remind lawmakers that federal law is to be considered above state law and state law is to be considered above county and city law.
I’m pretty sure State’s rights only need to be respected when they apply to the ownership of black people.
soooooooooo states rights until they’re doing something we don’t like?
So, let me he’s gonna appoint a bunch of diplomats with pro-Russian ties/interests?
“Why do we need Ambassadors. I mean they’re great guys, the best, but when I let everyone know about everything via Twitter using the best words, you know they’re tremendous words, what’s the need for them.
I mean, presumably the cable read: “On January 21st, all ambassadors will be formally recalled. Make plans accordingly.”
My god the next four years are going to be a fuckfest.
.... Pippin? THAT is what triggered this snowflake to run for his family-values safe space?? Hooo, doggies. #ConservativesSoFragile
that is a costanza
Ugh, Marty. What a sad sack. Pass. Logan and the Life and Death Brigade for the win. I don’t care if they are too old for their hijinks, I love it and they actually have a good time, as opposed to sour-pussing around like Marty.
You’ll be even prouder when you realize it’s The Handmaid’s Tale.
Yes! I like GG, but Alexis Bledel could not act her way out of a paper bag then or now. She always looked vaguely uncomfortable throughout the entire run of the series. From my extensive acting training which consisted of one elective in high school, I’m pretty sure one of the basics of acting is not showing the…
Ooh, I’ll bet she has to use both of her facial expressions for this role.
She’s absolutely stunning but should fire her makeup artist. That makeup is horrible and makes her look so much older than she is.
I’m pretty sure she’s not pushing 50 but that picture sure seems to think she is.