Donald invited her because just like him and Jackie Evancho, Rebecca came second in the popular vote.
Donald invited her because just like him and Jackie Evancho, Rebecca came second in the popular vote.
I’m actually on the other side of 35, I was speaking of past me. But the fact you think the ability to recognize a has-been has anything to do with age is lame. Her not being shit would still be true if I were 15, so have a seat with your randomly dismissive attitude. She hasn’t been shit for a long time and it…
that whole show was scheduled down to the second and they had a reallllllllll hard out at 11:58
We’re literally right around the corner from Doctors being allowed to simply not operate or give life-saving treatment to a patient because that patient happens to be someone the doctor doesn’t like.
2016: 1932 still holds the record, but I did pretty well for myself.
most of the cheese in the us market is pasteurized. this includes feta, gorgonzola, brie etc. especially if its amreican made. basically if its made in the USA its fine, the worry for listeria are european imports b/c they don’t pasteurize milk as standard practice.
“The incident upset some people on the Internet, who I suppose expect performers to mask their lip-syncing better.”
*Ashlee Simpson dances a jig*
Hi resident of said counties here. You’re wrong!
I wouldn’t want to go to Norristown either, but I’m not a serial rapist so here we are Bill.
the publicity surrounding the case has “tainted” the minds of any jury in the county
This fight was barely even long enough to masturbate to. 4/10.
The nachos in my microwave took longer to finish than Rousey’s career tonight.
The whole “Hollywood” Henderson comment also reminds the reader that it has been 30+ years since Bradshaw was a Relevant and Successful Football Man. It’s the football equivalent of “was a great model, I remember seeing her in my mom’s catalogs.”
I was reading a book the other day in which a character was like “ZOMG he just threw epic shade!” And I went back to see what they could possibly referring to that I missed as shade. “Your IQ rivals that of a stale Cheerio.” THAT. IS. NOT. SHADE. I had to put the book down for a minute while considering whether or not…
Exactly, it’s like complaining that a razor is cutting your skin when you apply the force of Hulk on it to your leg or face.
I’m 49, I still use it and my skin looks pretty darn good. I just don’t scrub it in until my face bleeds.
I’ve used this forever and my now-approaching-middle-age skin still benefits from a weekly scrub. Did they apply it with Scotch Brite or something?
You’re probably fine if you’re not doing what we all did at age 17, which is violently scrub the thing into your skin to excavate your cystic acne.
I’m almost 40 and still using this stuff. My face is still intact and experience has taught me not to throw money away on specialty products that are, in reality, no better than the drug store stuff.