Cool yer heels, Mabel

I still don’t have a Twitter. I’d like to say it’s some kind of chariot I’m riding in to a moral high ground but I fear it’s really a horse I’m riding straight into irrelevancy. I just don’t really get it. I Facebook and what not but I just don’t get tweeting and retweeting. Am I just a twat? What the fuck was my

Twitter is going to destroy us all.

Do you have any idea how hard it is to be White? It’s not easy controlling the vast majority of the world’s wealth, political power, and military might.


I just don’t get the point when you live in the Yankiest of yankee states, it just screams I hate black people up here, you can’t even make the faux pride argument.

My brain shuts down to protect itself everytime I see one of those flags, up here. Michigan sent something like 90,000 men to fight the rebels during the war (that was nearly a quarter of the entire male population of the state at the time) and almost 15,000 perished. The only statue on the capitol lawn is of our

That picture of Janice Dickenson.... She needs a good friend to tell her enough is enough.

Against their wills, apparently:

And you better bring your waxing A game or it will look like the “gift” is a nest of spiders

Oh, good, labial split pussy bows are back in fashion!

Melania is the least of our problems. She doesn’t deserve our goodwill, but don’t direct energy toward her. She won’t even be the first lady.

Is that actually true, or just assuming that other religions are similar to Christianity and Islam? I’m not an expert on all religions, but I don’t think Hinduism or Buddhism consign people to hell based on lack of believing in their religion (and even the evil people who do go to hell are eventually reborn on a

Ken Hamm has proved that is was possible for the Ark to be built. Provided Noah had a few million dollars, modern construction technology and a massive team of workers.

God gave us a perfect world.

going high hasn’t worked for us since what - 2000? i am sick of it. i am sick of us having to be the reasonable, rational ones. fuck all of that. they go low and they win. they go low and they obstruct a president for an entire 8 years. it is time to go low.

I know i’m supposed to feel bad for Ivanka, but I can’t. Fuck her. Fuck her husband. They are going to make billions off the american taxpayer and have no shame or remorse or anything resembling human emotions. I might feel the slightest bit of pity for the kids, except then I remember they’re all fucking rich and

I mean, the dude’s husband is allowed to dislike the Trumps, but questioning why she isn’t flying “private” is both meaningless and dickish.

Cool story bro. What’s your lane, commenting on every story all day long because heaven forbid we should miss out on your opinions?

Funny, though, how Emma’s experience is shared by so many women in nearly all industries.

The papaya is the most disappointing of the fruits.