Cool yer heels, Mabel

This is a serious story, no unibrow jokes.

SAME! I feel so terrible.

This is a sad and serious story, yet I can’t stop focusing on this guy’s unibrow.

I’m still not sure what to think. Personally, I don’t see how it wouldn’t at least be reckless endangerment to expose someone to an incurable infection.

Imagine how disgusted all of his hookers must get when he’s rutting around on top of them. The stench of throat nuggets coated on Campbell’s cream of shit soup surely deserves an extra c-note, right?

Democrats can shout about it until they’re blue in the face but nothing can actually be done—investigation, prosecution, something as sexy as impeachment—without a lot of Republican lawmakers and officials going along with it. And unless it becomes politically advantageous, that won’t ever happen. Republicanism is

Delta sucks as an airline and has shown its ass in the news recently, but the words “YouTube Prankster” are among the worst in the English language. Team Meteor Strike.

There’s nothing coming from any party that contradicts his story. To me, the other passengers sheepishly, shamefully hiding their faces from the camera was convincing enough.

... I mean, The Boy Who Cried Wolf is still a well-known fable because it’s still remarkably relevant to modern society. When someone has done tons of “pranks” in the past that involve lying about something happening to him (including one specifically about being racially profiled for being Muslim), I think it’s

I sleep really well now, knowing that we elected a Washington outsider and not the woman who single-handedly strode into Benghazi and gunned down those patriots after she torched her emails, cackling like a witch.

Yet Mark Brinkerhoff, a spokesman for the event, said the Trump brothers would attend.

So they’re on the board but are not actually involved in any oversight? Basically they’re using the privilege associated with being close to the President to benefit without doing any actual work? Sound about right....

I am so glad we had the foresight to not elect crooked Hillary. We need more honesty and ethical behaviour. #DrainTheSwamp!

Oh come on.

More class than the nation he led deserved, in fact, especially in the second term.

The Obamas brought class to the Presidency. Note that there was no scandal in his Administration.

For upper income women, it’s a D&C, not that awful abortion.

I also changed my Amazon Smile charity to PP. All those Christmas presents add up....

It’s not just lawmakers. U.S. society hates poor people, period.

Fuck you Texas.