Precisely. If you haven’t seen a movie 7 years after it was in theaters, well, I don’t know what to tell you.
Precisely. If you haven’t seen a movie 7 years after it was in theaters, well, I don’t know what to tell you.
So I don’t have to light my home with whale oil just because I’m from Massachusetts? That’s going to save me some money.
Also not supporting fur, but it remains very weird to me how many people are ardently opposed to wearing fur but have no problem whatsoever supporting factory farming.
NO YOU ARE WRONG. Canadians don’t have the right to wear fur any more than anyone else, it’s NOT a part of Canadian heritage unless you’re speaking of a very specific group of people - not descendants of imperialist colonizers and immigrants. No one should wear fur unless they are hunting and making these articles of…
Naw, it’s just as shitty for Canucks and Russians to wear fur as it is for anyone else.
They made a Kellyanne Conway doll?
Cayla is at least a better product name than what it was originally called, NSA Secret Eastern European Prison Informant Barbie
She’s probably dating Elf on the Shelf. Those two deserve each other.
My children are 20-somethings now, but I had debilitating all-day sickness, and asked my physician about smoking pot, and she said it was okay as long as I didn’t overdo it.
B6 and half a Unisom.
This part of the article is total absolute fucking bullshit (emphasis mine):
I know I can’t be the only one who’s getting really nervous about the way public opinion of marijuana is zooming straight to the other end of the spectrum. If there’s one major reason we ought to legalize pot, it’s so regulation and unbiased large-scale studies can provide the public with accurate information about…
Doxylamine and vitamin b6, which is also sold under the brand name dilectin. It’s not available in the US but my OBGYN suggested I combine Unisom and vitamins and gave me dosage, frequency, etc.
So we’re talking 4% of all pregnant women, and the worst they can say is that it “might be associated” with low birth weights and such.
Just curious, how did you know the kids parents smoked just weed? Is it possible that they were drinking and or doing other drugs? I have family members who were given weed by elders while they were pregnant because they could not keep food or liquids down and were losing weight. The weed helped with their appetite…
When I was pregnant with my 2nd a year ago I was curious about this and looked up the studies myself. Generally the consensus is a whole lot of ‘not sure’ and studies did not look at women who only did a LITTLE (studies usually go with women who toked over a certain amount, much like caffeine-in-pregnancy studies;…
Is anyone really surprised that exposing a developing brain to a drug is bad? I don’t think pot should be illegal but come on people.
After my reconstructive foot surgery, I was happy as hell to have that Oxy the first few days - especially when the nerve block suddenly wore off. Made me completely sleepy and useless, though, and as soon as I had a handle on it, I was back to my usual Advil.
Yeah not taking oxy after the 5 surgeries on my shoulder was probably the best decision I ever made in my life.
That’s why their sales are down 40%. They need more lives.