
Water isn't an issue anymore because of previous contestants contracting terrible water borne illnesses.

I'm done. I hate every person that's left.

Hold on. When did Peggy officially give the baby up for adoption. I thought her mom or sister was raising him…?

"their judgy, constipated bitch-faces"
THANK YOU for this absolutely spot in description of these people.

There's the high road, the low road, and then there's justice. Will got justice. Nobody called him fat. If he took everything personally because of his weight, that's his baggage. He flat out called shirin a loser. Told her more people liked him on the island than anyone ever has in her life. He told her no one

I was so happy to see it. I talked to the screen a full two minutes after that saying ultimately "There's taking the high road, and there's taking the low road…and then there's just plain old justice."

I had to look away. I started gagging.

Yeah, it almost came off "Are you done with you're little crybaby moment?"

He did??

Legit question: Has anyone ever during a challenge just said "Shut UP, Probst!"

It didn't even occur to me that hoarding food pointed to a weight issue for him. I mean, I guess? It was all about his integrity according to him. No one came out and called the man fat. And hoarding food in Survivor is normal. I mean, I get what you're saying for sure, I just can't with him.

I want to officially put it out there that I think Jenn's big ass cocktail was a Hurricane and that as a result she spent the rest of her stay blackout drunk.

As I mentioned on another thread, if you take someone suspecting that you might be withholding something in the game of goddamned Survivor personally, I can't help you. It was a reasonable assumption. What I wish would have happened is that Mike or Jenn would have stepped up and said as much. "Will, knock it off.

Or a Hurricane. Which means she spent the rest of her stay blackout drunk.

I'd probably go with Dan if only for his shut down of Tyler going "if you piss off the group…" While I hate Dan, I appreciated him telling those assholes to knock it the fuck off and let him gut a fish.

I agree with everything here EXCEPT Will's OUTRAGE that anyone would suspect him of hoarding food, or keeping something that no one else saw a secret. It's Survivor. It would be stupid NOT to suspect that. But they never outright accused him personally. They just said what they thought to other people. And Tyler

Has ANYONE ever said "Shut UP, Probst" during an endurance/balance challenge?

Kinda like how Paula Deen got nailed for using the N word 25 years ago? Ugh. It makes me so mad.

That screencap is fanfuckingtastic. I need Dan to go home. He's the worst. That is all.

FINALLY. A SEWING CHALLENGE. I'm almost back on board. But I refuse to be won over by Violet. She's awful and the producers know it. So, now the editing has to be all redemptive. I call SHE-nanigans. #teamKatya.