

Don never changes. Everyone else wears their hair and clothes and weight appropriate to time passage. Not Don. Suits. Always.

I couldn't agree more. I'd give this episode a C. And if I hear that manufactured drama sound effect one more time… seriously. Max shouldn't have gone home. Jaydeen's runway look was insane and it was her SECOND time one the bottom in as many weeks. Thing is? Max is a NICE person. We saw that very early on in

I think I'm done with this season. I don't agree AT ALL with the last two eliminations. I couldn't tell you who's who at this point, which is problematic. The only queen I'm really interested in is Max but..meh. And yeah, you can really tell the budget was cut in a serious way. So, maybe next season. BIANCA

My 4 year old loved it. It was her movie going experience and I'm glad it was there for her. I loved looking at it. And "Have courage and be kind" isn't a bad takeaway for kids these days.

I don't think she's really dead.


I don't think she's dead. We saw him burying something. We didn't see her face. No footage of a body? Not necessarily dead.

I think that was a context clue for you that you're not supposed to like or root for Frank. I don't think Netflix shares Frank's offensive attitudes towards higher powers. It'll be ok.

Yeah, can someone explain to me the whole syringe thing?

This episode really challenged my ability to take these people in stride. First: We're to understand that Mimi-Rose has had more than one abortion. Which, ok. But…why are you getting pregnant by accident more than once?? What the hell kind of responsible behavior is that? "Eh, nevermind. If I get pregnant I'll

It's comments like these that make this board a goddamned national treasure.

Oh! And I love that the guy from Boston is helpfully wearing a Boston shirt, in case his accent or his upcoming mentions of being from Boston was confusing.

That's "Franquesta". Thank you.

Never ally with the dude who wears a goddamned suit to Survivor.

I gotta say, I'm pretty excited about this cast too. That No Collar Love Triangle is amazing. Vince was all "I really believe Jenn is a good person and we have a connection". And then in the next second he's "I just don't think she has a good heart." I love when hippies try and use new age speak to express good

I want this franchise buried at the bottom of the fucking sea.

This is some bullshit. I'm sick of the white male dynamic. And Nathan drives me nuts. Wasn't he the kid in the beginning who referred to the other contestants as "Children" he'd like to teach? Ugh. And I'm sorry. Andrew didn't make mousse. He made raspberry pudding. They said as much, so, FAIL on his challenge.

It's because they're going to do another Team challenge and manipulate it so Kayla and Jenna are together again for more "best friend here" drama.

Ayla got a testimonial. I just can't remember what she said.