
Remind me…what does Thomas have on Bates?

HONESTLY. I'm sitting here constantly asking my television set "WHY DOESN'T SHE TALK TO CORA??? WHY DOESN"T SHE CALL SHIRLEY MCCLAINE???" This whole business is sooooo tiresome. (to be read as the Dowager Countess.)

I don't feel like they needed to kill Zeek on screen. It was implied that it was imminent and that was ok by my. It felt tacked on and weird. Also, Joel and Julia's 4th baby: another of Viktor's sisters? Is that mom their new baby factory? And WHY didn't Viktor hold his sister first?? What the fuck? Also, Hattie's

How do you NOT ask him about The Bionic Woman montage???

His precious monarch and family were gunned down in cold blood and those refugees were forced from their homes rather than face the same fate. I think maaaaaaaybe he gets a pass. And she should know better than to agree with Bolsheviks surrounded by Czarists in a home not her own.

I'm sorry. If there was an alarm on the Luncheonette, how the HELL did the thieves get VINTAGE MIXING BOARDS THAT WEIGH A METRIC GODDAMNED TON out of there so fast? And did no one see the giant moving van out front? And what of the 8 person crew it took to empty out that place so quickly? I have questions as well.

Yes. yes she has.

I was able to hate watch the shit out of it. Because it was fucking terrible.

I'm obessed with them. Because of my daughters. Yeah.

Did you see her co-star threaten haters with NBC blackballing? It was adorable.

I think she's thinking of Jaclyn as a goat.

Once again; a top shelf kiss.

Just because a group of people you don't like listens to a band, doesn't negate that band's talent or message.

Apparently I have officially aged out of this site. Under the Table and Dreaming is a fantastic fucking album. And before we get all "White-suburban" ashamed of ourselves, let us not forget Dave Matthews' South African roots. And that he fled there to avoid military service to a country still embroiled in

God, I really want to see him have to do a balancing puzzle challenge on a windy day and have Rob talk the whole fucking time.

No whining here, just noting that the shunning that happened was pretty shitty. She's not the most mistreated tribe member ever by far, but I've not seen that caliber of group passive aggression that often.

Does it come with a free Fro-gurt?

Seriously. I was really angry with them too. And it drove me to think, "This season is pretty boring because all of these people are pretty terrible in a totally mediocre way."

Big Mac Tonight guy. Anyone still know the words? Cuz I do. "When the clock strikes half past six hey-time to head for golden lights. It's a good time for the great taste of MacDonalds…come get a Big Mac tonight!

Sydney is a budding sociopath and the possibility that she IS gas lighting her dad is frightening.