
Why doesn't she just turn her amp off and call it a day? I mean, clearly she plays just for show.

About the only band that ever did a decent Beatles cover was when Phish did The White Album in its entirety. And that was only because they played it NOTE FOR NOTE, sound for sound. No interpretation. Simply recreation. Sort of like when an orchestra plays Mozart.

I hate everything about this.

I dunno. It's just a question. I can't tell if you're being assy so I'll refrain from being too much of a smartass about it.

Speaking of Screwdrivers….when's 12 getting his own?

Ugh the voice overs. Nevermind the fact that Claire's accent is awful, I'm not a moron. I can tell by the dialogue and things like "acting" what's going on.

I've been saying since Ep. 1 that Knitting Etsy Shops are going to see a boom in sales.

omg. I totally asked my husband "Whose fucking truck is that?" His answer: "Alcide's". Ugh.

Was I the only one who was half expecting/hoping that Bill would pop in the middle of the wedding?

This looks like a goddamned horror film.

I was pretty much agreeing with you. And reminding everyone that a child molester still is lauded as a musical genius in some circles.

Oh Hey! And remember when R. "I pee on 13 year olds" Kelly stopped making money off his songs? I hate everything.

"Yahoo was so serious…" I see what you did there.

Ehem. Johnny and the Moondogs.

Also, For No One? Yesterday? Baby's in Black?

"I should be punished! I should be purged. Purge me!"

I saw both Delirious and Raw when they came out. I was pretty young. And even then I remember quite clearly saying to myself "Raw isn't that funny. He's too mad." I watched a couple of clips just now and I'm like "Wow. Eddie. You had some shit to work out, didn't you? Jesus."

I STILL half think this is all an "All That Jazz" type death dream. No matter what some asshole thinks over on the Tom And Lorenzo board that "I clearly don't understand the show".

I hate him too. He's just a dick. There are so many times during challenges that if I were some of the people he was talking about or talking about in a shitty way I'd yell 'Fuck OFF, Probst, I'm trying to work here!"

I'll amend my statement. She may have vulnerability. We never saw it. And it's not crying or creating drama. It's honest and real. And Adore and Bianca just come off more honest and real. IMHO.