
I never took Pat to be the bad person in those sketches. It could be argued that it takes shots at anyone else trying to assign binary identities to people.

I got out when i heard they were gonna do an episode focused on whether or not that goddamned baby survived. As it stood, I couldn't handle the stress every week of wondering when that baby was gonna get eaten. So yeah.

NYMERIA!!! Thank you!!! I've been waiting for her return for EVER. I was half convinced she was going to show up to save Sansa in the woods a couple weeks ago. I will be satisfied when the remaining wolves Ghost, Nymeria and Summer rip Ramsay limb from limb, but not before hunting him.

Can we maybe figure out a way for the camera not to add 20lbs to a person? Because honest to God. I thought Amy was at least a size 10-12. And that's terrifying because I don't even want to know what I'd look like on screen as a 12. Jebus.

I really really wasn't prepared for the second half of this sentence and I love it.

I think she's the type who won't accept that kind of help from her father. She's happy where she is.

That opening shot was so dirty! Oh la la!

It's in reference to where you are in the city. If you are headed south, you are headed "downtown" because the addresses go down. If you are headed north, you are headed "uptown". Yes, there is a neighborhood called "Uptown", but that's a carry-over from when it was first settled as an alternative for singles to

Hey, since when do the survivors find out who voted for whom? How did Tasha know Keith voted for her? Are we to assume they had a big convo about it?

Wait, has Jeremy NOT told EVERYONE that his wife is pregnant?? I thought he did. Because Wentworth is a dick for not picking him. Also, if she was after an All-Girl alliance, why didn't she let Tasha in on the reward?

That demon was like if Pan's Labyrinth and Hellraiser had a baby.

Yes. This is correct. At least that's how they were teaching it in Catholic School post-Vatican 2.

I just heard Beaker from the Muppet Movie say "Only Temporary." Because that's how old I am and that's where my brain goes.

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I haven't gotten as far as the last book yet and I don't care about spoilers at this point…are we saying that Jon Snow fucking dies? Because if that's the case, I'm out.

Here's the problem I had with this treatment of the events: In the book, Claire sets up a very intense and calculated spiritual rescue of Jamie. They kick the SHIT out of eachother. Claire literally wrestles him back from the jaws of hell, which suddenly reminds me of the tale of Tam Lin….but anyway. She TAKES him

Oh. And my other favorite?? Rodney's sort of abusive (read not really abusive) remarks about Carolyn were "in his opinion, a little bit too much". Buuuut, Shirin had her abuse coming? Never change, Dan.

So….The producers have told the castaways they can't vote for Dan so that "amazing brand new best idea ever advantage" gets used right? Because Jesus H. I know I said I was done. But now I'm hate watching. And I am powerless against a good hate watch.

I'm really hoping for a last minute "Right then, Happy Christmas" moment to wrap all this up. Because right now, I'm really goddamned depressed.

Remember when the Survivors were squeezing rainwater out of their buffs into their mouths during tribal because they had been so long without water? THAT was Survivor.