Good luck with that, Hitler.
Good luck with that, Hitler.
Watching a franchise intentionally try to destroy a player, both his career and soul, is... unpleasant.
That’s totally different. Everyone knows your can just sling ICBM’s over your shoulder and carry them as long as the barrel is empty, especially if it looks cool in front of the camera.
Mostly for the penis size. Little bit for the hooves. Hooves are cool, man. Tapdance with some hooves and it’s like a John Bonham drum solo mixed with, like, cannons or some shit. Bad. Ass.
If he’s so great why is he still a horse, huh?
Now we know why Urban Meyer was so hesistant when handing the keys to the offense over to Barrett.
For good measure I read this article while only using the edge of my seat.
In order to offset this act, he should be sentenced to ten public utterances of the phrase “holding our student-athletes accountable” over the next week or I will not respect him anymore as a coach.
He almost acted like this game played with a ball could be fun.
How can this man expect to be taken seriously as a football coach if he acts like a human being?
[at office]
I don’t see any fringe on these; Kristin would not approve.
Wait, I thought this was going to be some sort of sponsored Kinja deals post? Where is Jillian Michaels, I dont see her mentioned anywhere here?
“Honey, the website that tells me not to wear shorts in the summer says I need to buy $300 boots for fall.”
Rickety Cricket has put on some weight.
So, the daughter of a family of restaurateurs serves up a heaping dish of cold, cold revenge? It pays to be patient.
Say what you will about Torii but every city he played in ADORED him. The standing ovations in Detroit and Anaheim when he returned as an opposing player proved that. I don’t think the general public will remember him as anything other than awesome. Time will tell Drapes
Stick to sprouts.
I’m a fan of how Hunter played but his disdain for Latin Americans really fucking bothered me. Ill even reveal a bit about myself. I’m a light skin Dominican that, by virtue of being light skin, was called Puerto Rican all my life. I have the nappiest fucking hair and I can’t even use a razor that’s how many razor…