They could make it a robot boxing movie with Hot Rod as Rocky and Dom as his Mickey.
Fuck it, do that plot, and if Heigl won’t come back for it, recast Izzie with Kate McKinnon or Kristen Wiig, in full-on obviously-made-up comedy sketch impression mode.
Oh, no. How will I ever enjoy SXSW without Facebook and Amazon there???
I think it falsely implies her murder only matters because she once dated Carey.
Maybe because British-born Oliver, unlike Donald Trump, knows the difference between Missouri and Kansas, knows there aren’t countries named “Nipple” or “Button,”
So when Parasite inevitably loses, remember it was because voters couldn’t be bothered watching it, or didn’t understand it or because American movies simply must win.
Quite surprisingly, this movie ended up giving me one of my favorite filmgoing experiences.
I saw it at a radio station’s free screening in San Diego. Including me, the crowd was oh, about 75 percent Mexican/Mexican-American.
Cut to the scene in which Branaugh reveals that his “evil plan” involves returning Califas…
I stepped over one of those lines recently, by saying something on Twitter that I mistakenly thought was noncontroversial: “I would never consider diversity in matters of art. Only quality. It seems to me that to do otherwise would be wrong.” The subject was the Academy Awards. I also said, in essence, that those…
Agreed. She had a similar response when an interviewer asked her about taking the role of Lenny in Legion, and Jesus Christ was that a showcase for her acting chops.
This is fantastic news. If there’s one thing I needed more than the return of Space Dad, it’s more interplay between him and Guinan. Now, someone get John de Lancie on the phone, and the trifecta will be complete.
Yeah. I hate that Leia’s last pleas for the resistance falls on deaf ears, according to JJ. You couldn’t give her that? Just say that it worked. We see no indication that the Resistance is in shambles or falling apart or anything. Just say it worked.
That’s... not awful? It’s thematically close to my dream list changes would be needed to fix TRoS without doing to much to change the overall structure. Rey and Kylo really needed to be on parallel journeys.
My husband and I walked out of 1917 shell-shocked. (Pun intended.) It was an amazing movie.
We can rest easy knowing this will be a proper Prince tribute as it’s featuring the R&B funk stylings of Chris Martin.
There’s St. Vincent. Stylistically very different, but she’s got the chops.
I do not blame them one bit. The vitriol spewed at her is vile and toxic — and absolutely racist in many cases. Getting out of the line of fire and away from a country that loves to openly and viciously hate some of its public figures is brilliant. I love that they are taking this step to dial down their royal profile…
Any acted visual media, including porn, should have this.
There’s no reason these shouldn’t be standard on any premium cable series going forward.