
The AV Club seems convinced that the top priority for the head of a major movie studio, during a pandemic that has utterly scrambled its release schedule and decimated its gameplan for making money, is nonsense Twitter controversies.

That’s how I read the CCTV footage, as the crew was locked out like the rest. I don’t doubt it allows them to keep the CGI cheap, but I’m not watching this show for state of the art special effects.

Didn’t they have to use the CCTV footage, because how would the documentary’s camera crew gotten into that room?

Sometimes I find myself wondering when I will stop finding Laszlo’s scream of “bat!” prior to transformation funny.

“But the extensive use of the closed-circuit cameras in this episode felt like a workaround for less-than-perfect SFX...“

While you’re definitely correct, I’m really enjoying the slightly low-budget, almost 80's PBS feel of this show.

I prefer to call them what they are which are bio-terrorists. They have “chickenpox parties” to intentionally spread disease around.

Ok, for real reply, no attempt at wit. The answers to app your questions are available online or from any scientist. What you are saying has been so thoroughly debunked that it's pointless to argue. It's like if someone says the Earth is flat or the sky is green. It's obviously not, and any attempt to argue with them

You do realize that you’re siding with whooping cough, right?

We are all now more stupid for having read your blithering hot air non science backed diatribe. Congrats.

Lol I love the crazy person calling us all dumb

Your ideas are intriguing to me and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.

*Child still has exact same chances of being autistic as before, seeing as not vaccinating has no effect on possibilities of developing autism.

My mother almost died of Polio as a baby. Her right hand was damaged from it her whole life. My Grandmother always said she wished they had come out with the vaccination a few years sooner.

The preferred nomenclature isn’t “anti-vax”, it’s “pro-disease”!

and we are all still waiting on that movie.

In a similar vein, this season’s episode “The Box” where Jake and Captain Holt interrogate the dentist who may have murdered his business partner. I found to be absolutely riveting, including a stunning performance with the dentist, vastly more dramatically successful than most interrogations on actual cop shows, with

Just based on last weeks episode alone I cannot understand why anyone wouldn’t want this show in their line-up.

Yes, we are. This has been the top story on the new-improved Trump-slobbering RedState for 9 days.

Brooklyn 99 declining in quality is a bad take. The new season has been great. The most recent episode with everyone worrying about Rosa was amazing.

Yahoo, not Amazon, it was picked up by Yahoo. ‘Yahoo had video streaming!?’ you ask, yes, we all asked the same question when Community was picked up by Yahoo.