
It’s been interesting watching Twitter after the press conference. All the reporters are talking about the Russia Hacks or the fainting episode or anything but the two solid minutes where Obama lambasted them for running with the hacked email narrative for 6 months then wondering why it was such a big deal.

The problems of which you speak have been problems in the cities. I don’t know who you’re talking to but there are plenty of people in the cities who are suffering. The difference seems to be that for some reason the discussion about suffering in rural areas are talked about as though the people there are not at fault

I’d like to be between the Rock’s hard place, if you know what I mean.

Can you even imagine these two massive mofos throwing down? It would be like the Pacific Rim Jaegers fighting the kaiju.

This is why I only fly Trump airlines. No Muslims, Mexicans, disabled people, or crying babies to have to worry about. And they cut holes in the pillow cases so you can see out of them when you wear them as a hood, too!

I’m pretty sure they do have footage of her with the shotgun — they said the social media content is not deleted and she fired several rounds. Also, I can’t imagine the police waiting out a seven hour standoff if she didn’t have a gun.

Mindy looks...different?

Somewhere out there, E.L. James just preordered this and opened a new Word doc.

Why do we even need a book? Why not just read the case itself at the SCOTUS site? [/kidding!]

So she’s saying the rich black family shouldn’t live in a nice neighborhood?

Rest in Peace, John. I will always remember you as the man who made me mildly motion sick on numerous occasions.

Oh God, so, SO missed.

All you old-timer Jezzies be jealous, because I am seeing Lindy on Wednesday night.

You are greatly missed around these parts, Lindy!

It had to be you [Bobby], wonderful you [Bobby], it had to be you [Bobby].

Go on, Mari with your bad self.

Yes! I love her to death too. And if any of you were wondering what to get me for my birthday...

I bet it cost more than 1500 dollars to deploy seven U.S. Marshalls. for an hour or two.