
They already have and Emma Stone is first in line to play Rukundo. If she’s not available though, I think Rooney Mara is down.


9&1/2 weeks part 2

Oh let me count the ways.

Oh let me count the ways.

It’s the Jesus coming out.

The Feds couldn’t go in until the state Governor requested assistance.

If monies are awarded they need to bypass the crooks who instigated this crisis in the first place. “Small government” conservative Gov Snyder appoints a series of “emergency managers” to oversee Flint who caused this crisis and now they want to be bailed out? Fuck them. If the Federal government steps in it should be

And they sued everyone.


Any former Catholics who are still weirdly obsessed/interested in religious iconography and saints and the like?

The family told the camera crew they had no electricity or running water and raised their own livestock...

The Las Vegas ensemble she wore for the Las Vegas wedding (of course) was even better....

“In spite of these recent developments ...we are grateful for the contributions Det. Abbott made during his time with Manassas City Police...”

Yom Kippur-Coachella. Think about it. We could make a killing.

Even better...Ramadan Bonnaroo. We could call it....Ramadannaroo.

May I offer my “head up my ass” opinion as to why?

I’d... definitely wear this? I mean not to work, but like... to a bar. Hell yeah. #420blazeitXmas braaahhhh

I have no idea what I just read, but that was captivating AF.

Justin Bieber says his “heart sank” when those nude photos dropped.