
Please tell me someone in the class did call him out. I mean I assume you said something or at least made him realize just how wrong he was. But any fellow students?

“This land is your land, this land is my land (except this part of your land, which is still mine.)”

The banker stole a town from the hipster who stole the town from the black man who was forced there by the white man who originally stole the land from the red man.

I met with a 23 year old who was just out of college when I was in banking about seven years ago. She was frustrated because she couldn’t save money despite making $60k/yr with “hardly any expenses” (low rent). When I went over her expenses, I told her that she needs to stop shopping at Whole Foods, going out at least

I did. Once. Sort of. It was a Tuesday. *stares wistfully into the distance*

No, she’s a witch, and she’s in the same coven as Bianca Lawson, who has been playing a teenager for LITERALLY 20 YEARS.

Now playing

I wish it would’ve been this song. It’s definitely the one I heard in my head.

I wonder what Tino thinks about this?

I graduated from University of Alabama. Believe me when I say the MRS degree is not a “throwback” :(

Those signs were written in the bronian language. They actually translate into English to read as follows;

Not really. I went to a school with no Greek life. Douchenozzle behavior by douchecanoes occurred anyway.

YES! We’ve seen Jon Snow give the Lord’s Kiss... it’s about time we see his brother’s technique!!

Cock-a-doodle-Do continue with these chicken puns please

Two hours, hmmm? That’s enough time for a couple episodes of True Detective,

As a New Yorker living in D.C., people from Virginia are not fucking nice. People from Maryland are lovely, people from Virgina drive like assholes and are hugely nasty to people from other areas of the country. Come at me bro.

Never Forget:

They are a really cute couple.

That's why I watch it. I get some wine, I eat something called snack dinner, and I watch Empire. I love campy, soapy drama. This has the added bonus of pretty black people.