
ahhhh fuck yes Miss Shirley’s! It’s one of the things I miss most about living in Baltimore. And you went to the right location, too. If you’re hanging out later and want the best crab cake in town, it’s at Koco’s on Harford Road, like less than half a mile from Morgan State.

Agreed on all accounts. Which brings me to ask: how do you pronounce his name??

Only assholes from Howard County who moved into the City feel the need to say Baltimore City.

Your argument is “But what about these other assholes”?

why did they even bother? what is perpetually lost in all of this is the reason for the protest, which is police brutality. apparently this whole anthem during NFL is something the government has been paying millions for since about 2009 as a military recruitment tool. do you know what’s really disrespectful to the


I’m never not here for Diamond Dan. Or any appearance of Ginuwine’s “Pony”.

So, this is my industry, and I am (among other things) an actor of color, and let me tell you something. I know how money works (for the most part), I GET that one of the worst problems with Broadway is capitalism. But when I saw this picture, it was at the exact same time that I learned that Oak was replacing Groban,

ALL OF THIS! And it’s especially offensive to me as a WOC. Because guess what, you Ivanka clones, my WOC ass and my POC friends and LGBTQ friends and non-rich friends (because like a normal person, 99.99% of my friends aren’t damn rich) don’t have the fucking luxury of “positivity.” Because the political situation is

Re: Eminem and his beard

That song was not great.

Hey Bu-uddy, it’s The Wea-sel.

Did anyone used to put on their bathing suit and pretend they were at the beach house? No. Just me?

actual footage of teresa while driving:

Although it would’ve meant jumping the shark into trope-ish territory...


“here is Joseph Fiennes, brother of Ralph, also known as “the hotter one,” as Michael Jackson ...”

Funny how some people expect Blac to just stay and put up with any kind of treatment from Rob because ... scammer.