

Shhh, child. She *made* millennial culture to a very great extent - whatever you think you can claim, she probably did it first. She's never played by the same rules as everyone else, and that includes coming up with her own definition of mid-fifties life. Be happy she exists rather than resenting her for - what?

Giuliana is a person of color. And that color is often orange.

Both segments were great, but my favorite is the first segment on Daily Show, where Sean Hannity is shown asking a NYC real estate developer how he would handle fighting the terrorist group ISIS.

When the women of Fox use the phrase "gender equality", you know you've gone too far. ("Racial equality" still isn't in their vocabulary yet, though.)

The contestant in yellow really supported the decision

That's NOT the main message of that movie?!

I have no idea what you're talking about or what it has to do with this video I posted but you know what? You just do you, drunk Internet commenter. You do you.

Spatchcock, I am sure.

2o minute rosemary and lemon roast chicken? Recipe or it didn't happen.

I'm only surprised she didn't specify nail length. I feel a deep hunger to pay one of the girls to get 5-inch monster-claw french tips, because I believe in obeying the letter of the law always and the spirit of the law never.

I would feel weird if Don Johnson's daughter didn't do coke.

I like to pretend this picture is of someone else entirely.

I would like to objectify a lemon cake right now.

Now playing

Coulter can eat my santorum leaking ass....


awwwwww yes