
My dad was the best/worst at naming pets. We had cats at various times named Zasu Pitts, Gypsy Rose Lee, Mr Earl, and Woody Hayes.

Photographed mid-"gotta get that paper somehow" shrug.

"Your step-mom is cute. Remember when she was a Senior and we were Freshman? Remember when I asked her to the Prom?"

I'd, but I'm already going to de Soto Tall's party.

I really just want someone to catch Beyonce farting in a video or something. That is all.

I need a GIF of him shaking his booty to "More Than a Feeling". I NEED IT.

That hair. That hair is manufactured by a beauty company whose research team is made up of galactic lionfish who found a 1974 issue of Vogue orbiting in a cloud of interstellar debris, and were inspired to go into the wig business for humans.

Very excited about the potential of a Swift/Perry feud tbqh.

Omg, did she go natural for her big beach getaway? Good for her!

I wholeheartedly agree with your entire list, however, I would only hypothetically fuck Ray Rice's lawyer.

Shambolic dumbfuckery of cocknozzle proportions

Your team staying popular equals more money in the pockets of all other franchises and NFL brass.

Not yet. Assuming the protests will start once Ray Rice is back (which he'd better not be). If more isn't done with Ray Rice as far as punishment, I seriously might sell my season tickets and donate whatever profits I make on it to House of Ruth (domestic violence charity).

After seeing the inside the elevator video, can somebody please explain why Janay was charged with assault?

Everyone's too busy sexting to actually meet up and have sex.

1. If you ever said puppies are better than cats

I still have a crush on David Duchovny. He's fucking beautiful .They both are. Mulder and Scully shipper 4 lyfe.

Be still, my heart.