
Hey Carrie Coon is in both Avengers 3 and The Leftovers, so everyone ending up in Australia only seems logical.

Other dogshit 90s movies with killer soundtracks: A Life Less Ordinary, The Saint

Other dogshit 90s movies with killer soundtracks: A Life Less Ordinary, The Saint

My guess is that it ends with them celebrating beating the bad guy and then one of them dissolves into nothing while they’re embracing or something.

Whoa weird. I just started reading Saga of the Swamp Thing (Alan Moore’s run) like 2 days ago. It’s cool and gross.

Those first 3 Menomena albums... oh man what a run. I’d put all of them in my top 50 of the decade. They really lost something when they turned from a trio to a duo. From what I understand, they had a pretty egalitarian songwriting philosophy where all 3 contributed fairly equally as lead songwriters and all members

I didn’t think your comment demanded a reboot, yet here we are.

Now that I did a bit of research, that show had to be in 2003 rather than 2004. Their first break-up was mid ‘03.

Oh man, I do not remember. Although, actually my brother was impressed enough with them at that show that he not only bought their EP but also a t-shirt. And if memory serves correctly, he was going to the merch table to buy a D Plan shirt but they were all out of his size, so he got the Lake Trout shirt as

Whoa Lake Trout! I saw them open for Dismemberment Plan in... 2004?

That song rules! Thanks!

Hello Sadness! and NO BLUES are my favs. I don’t really care for the early twee stuff of the first couple albums, so I thought Hello Sadness! was where they really came into their own. I had no idea that it was widely considered their worst album til you mentioned it.

And don’t forget Jefferson Starship, our most rockin’ black superhero.

Ridiculous fanboy wish: Can you guys please turn Jim Thompson’s book “Pop. 1280" into a movie? I think you could do a splendid job with it.


That word is the written equivalent of nails on a chalkboard for me. I can’t stand it.

Really excited to see this. “Spring” is one of my favorite movies of the decade. It’s rare that I legitimately have no idea where a movie is going, but Spring kept going places that I didn’t expect it to. And I felt like I could have watched those two characters hang out with each other for so much longer. Why the

I too watched Suicide Squad with barrel-scraping expectations, and for me the movie somehow didn’t even meet those. I honestly thought it was one of the worst big budget studio movies I’d ever seen. It was shockingly terrible.

This film made less money than any other DCEU movie. Less people paid money to see this than Suicide Squad. That is insane.

*ahem* .... purrrrrfectly