
Maybe that's what the ones who actually got accepted as jurors are doing.

Such a great ep. I especially loved his recollections of Bowie and the way he would reach out to people just to let them know he was thinking about them. Fuck. Why don't more people do that?

Rome is a great show! And if you haven't watched the Spartacus tv show, then do that post-haste! Although their tones are completely different, Rome basically acts as an immediate sequel to it, time-wise.

I kept expecting the Punisher and Elektra storylines to overlap in some kind of meaningful way towards the end of the season, and they just never did. It was incredibly frustrating.

JJ was the only season of any of those shows that I dug from start to finish. Thought Luke Cage got campy as fuck (not in a good way) after midseason. Have not bothered with Iron Fist.

Do those mid-range budget movies even exist anymore? Nolan did Insomnia after Memento, proving he could work on a bigger scale with bigger actors before diving into the mega-budget Batman Begins. It's crazy to have these directors go from small time indie dramedy straight to expected blockbuster in one step. Studios

Conjuring 2 was fine but definitely did not need to be 135 minutes. That was just ridiculous.

That's interesting, because I heard the whole nun storyline in Conjuring 2 was tacked on when test screenings revealed that the main story of old man in chair telling kids to get off his lawn wasn't that frightening. That scene with the painting was definitely the best part of the movie.

I won't say you're wrong. I totally forgot that movie exists.

Mulholland Drive still exists and features Naomi Watts at peak hotness. Go watch that again.

Oooooh now I suddenly wonder what his take on House of Leaves would be like.

Future Islands on Letterman:

"Oh hey Bran's alive… and he's super weird now."


I just watched that like a month ago. I didn't read the source material but I was pretty thoroughly engaged.

I want to like this comment twice.

It was like the town was it's own character in The Town.

I think it's 95 with credits, 88 without.

Take it easy, Brandon Snark!*

Awww your comment reminded me that The Knick isn't on tv anymore. :(