
You take that back! "Drive" along with Heart's "These Dreams" are the gold standard of 70's-heydey rock bands making super polished 80's power-ballads. Those songs are fucking beautiful and I won't hear otherwise!

Ermahgerd! Mern Kermpf!!

Sounds interesting! The only Irish metal I know is Primordial, and they are fucking great. All of their songs sound like vast armies swarming into battle.

And if you dig Alcest, I heartily recommend Jesu, especially their album "Conqueror." That album epitomizes shoegaze-metal for me. It's fucking gorgeous.

The Last Boy Scout has Bruce Willis giving his best, funniest performance because he's basically parodying himself. That movie rules.

upvoted for "robert redford was killed and garry shandling arrested"

Thank you for clearly expressing what I always found so stupid and oft-putting about that line. It's always bugged me but I could never put my finger on why.

That trilogy is brilliant but it may have peaked with that first book.

If someone guesed in the late eighties that Abe Vigoda would be gone in less than thirty years, they would receive the puzzled question "Abe Vigoda is still alive?"


She was at her best in Gilmore Girls, goddamnit!

Awwwww i liked Jack Reacher. Not so much for the super Cruiseyness of it, but for the direction. That car chase! M:I 2 can eat shit though.

F. Gary Gray is directing this? That's a bit of a downgrade.

“touring funk band quantities of cocaine”

For as many problems as I had with that series, it being boring was not one of them. It was batshit crazy, very often to its detriment, but at least the crazy kept me turning the pages.

I saw that for free at a sneak preview and I still think I got ripped off.

Yeah I really don't get it. They are competently written but nothing spectacular. I do not understand how Scott Lynch gets praised as this great hope for modern fantasy. Granted, I'm not as well-versed in the genre as some others, but I'm guessing it's a case of lowered expectations maybe?

I liked the first half of that book quite a bit. I loved the setup and the world felt unique, but the plot started to feel increasingly generic as it went along. I had different problems with the second one, but I enjoyed both of them a hell of a lot more than this one.

Republic of Thieves by Scott Lynch. I was never entirely sold on Lynch as an author from his first two books in this series, and I'm finding this one to be even less interesting. The two story lines are not very engaging, the romance is just not working, and the dialogue… woof. Lynch is trying to be way to cute with

Try reading The Hollow Chocolate Bunnies of the Apocalypse by Robert Rankin. It's a noir-style crime story set amongst a town populated by nursery rhyme characters. Very funny pitch-black humor. And lots of talking animals.