
Sex & The City isn't getting added til April.

the gods hate you

Yeah I could totally picture a Friends reunion where Joey has a sandwich-induced heart attack.

Oh man I love Hold My Liquor. Probably my favorite on the album. Those Ratatat-style guitars are just incredible. And I say all this as someone who loathes Chief Keef.

Just like me in all my Spanish classes in high school!

That 35 year time frame must have pissed off Jimmy Carter too.

War and Peace is so rad! And it's really not difficult. Just incredibly long. But it's so lively, and I enjoyed spending time with those characters so much that it never felt like a chore.

You really really should. As the other commenters suggest, the show takes a good half of its short run to really find itself, but once it does it rivals anything Gilmore Girls did.

Fucking hell did I grow to love this show in those last 8 episodes. It had a few hurdles to get there: a profoundly problematic opening conceit in which Michelle marries a borderline stalker who thought it was perfectly fine to tie the knot with her while she was blackout drunk, and the super distracting fact that

Reading The Talented Mr. Ripley, my first Highsmith. It's a bit of a weird adjustment after reading Gene Wolfe's Book of the New Sun for the last month. It's kind of like an extended exhale after holding your breath for a very long time. Anyway, about halfway through and enjoying the book quite a bit. This Tom Ripley

does 'donating' mean throwing it in a fire?

I'll be finishing the Citadel of the Auturch and thus The Book of the New Sun today. What an incredibly strange and haunting trip it's been. I think Sword of the Lictor was my favorite if for no other reason than the whole sequence with Typhon. I will not get that out of my mind any time soon.

Quack quack!

Late to the party on this, but isn't the correct answer Alec Baldwin?

Anyone who skips past Last of the Mohicans is a communist

The Sword of the Lictor. About halfway through. Gene Wolfe, you mad genius!

Oh how I loved the fuck out of the Oldtown stuff in AFfC and was so bummed none of it appeared in ADWD.

I'm so bummed my introduction to him was King Rat, because I always see people raving about his other books but I found that one to be just awful and embarrassingly dated. Really hindered any excitement I may have had to read more by him.

Have you read Gene Wolfe's Book of the New Sun? I'm right in the middle of them now so they have been consuming my brain as of late. They do an amazing job of blending sci-fi and fantasy without either side coming off as an afterthought or contrived. Trippy and weird and certainly not for everyone, but Wolfe is a